Prince Caspian vs. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

LWW, because the Pevensies went to Narnia not knowing what was expected of them and discovered a hidden strength. That sort of discovery comes once in a lifetime.
I'm not exactly sure which one I like better. Maybe LWW but only barely.

The LWW followed the book very well, PC not so much. PC still had a lot of great
stuff in it, and LWW was also great. So, still undecided.
This is a tough one. I don't think I can decide until I've seen PC at least 3 or 4 more times, but I'm leaning toward LWW I think-not only because there were more changes to PC that I didn't like but also because of the sheer delight I took in seeing my favourite childhood books become a major movie was an incredible experience that's hard to top.

How I feel exactly. :) It was so awesome to see a classic book come to life like that. I couldnt help smiling when she first saw the wardrobe, and then when Mr Tumnus came to the picture, and when they first met the Beavers. :) I didnt really feel like smiling alot in PC, except when they got back. :)
I agree with Tim and Hylian Princess on most counts. I think PC if a good movie ... but I much prefer LWW for staying more true to the book. Also, I was just overwhelmed to see the story come to life because it is my favorite of the CON and one of the very favorite books of my childhood and adulthood.
I'm not exactly sure which one I like better. Maybe LWW but only barely.
Welcome, Ithilin. I didn't see you post before.
LWW follows the book more closely and has a greater sense of "innocence and newness" to it. It has most of the important scenes included and done in a wonderful way that keep close to the book.

PC is faster-paced and has some excellent battle scenes, but it does vary from the book more so than LWW. It's not so much that it varies from the book, but rather what the writers chose to take out.

Overall though LWW is the current winner in my book, but I think I will have to see PC some more before I can make my final call.
LWW is way better than PC, at least in following the book. I still liked PC but LWW is better in my opinion.;)
And when they added stuff in LWW it was AWSOMEATIC! (I think they only added one thing- The River/Waterfall scene, and I love that scene! :D)
It'll be interesting to see what happens with VOTDT and if they go the way of LWW and don't change much, or the way of PC and change alot of stuff.
PC, though I think I'm in the minority here. I fell in love with the first movie before I really liked the books so it didn't matter to me as much that it didn't follow the book as it did to other people. Also I was shocked that I wasn't disappointed in the second movie because I usually am with second movies and that helped and it's newer and I haven't analized every bit of it with my best friend yet (we're getting close though:D).
PC. I don't care that's it's nothing at all like the book. Caspian's so friggin' hot in the movie, and there's more action in the movie than in the book.
PC, though I think I'm in the minority here. I fell in love with the first movie before I really liked the books so it didn't matter to me as much that it didn't follow the book as it did to other people.

I read the books long before I watched the movies, but I would tentatively say I prefer PC. I guess I like the action scenes a little better--the level of intensity was different. And I liked the character development, even if it went a little farther (in Peter's case, a lot farther) than the book. The main thing I disliked about PC was the Caspian-Susan nonsense--but that has been discussed so much on this forum that I don't need to explain further.

LWW was still great, though.
Walden Media's Non-Caspian movie should have been titled "Prince Harvey," with all other character and place names also changed. Then, taking it in isolation, it would have been a good movie. But since almost every character in it was seriously changed from what they were in the book, and almost every theme from the book discarded (the intentional degrading and ruining of Peter as a character fitting both of these), it was blatant false advertising for them to pretend that they were making a Narnian film. It was no more a Narnian film than "Shrek" was a Robin Hood film.
I like LWW better...they completely ruined Peter in PC and they kicked out and added so much stuff it wasn't REALLY Prince Caspian.
I like LWW better...they completely ruined Peter in PC and they kicked out and added so much stuff it wasn't REALLY Prince Caspian.

The first movie was better in my opinion. Even though Edmund was a lot better in PC.
This should have a poll.;)
Walden Media's Non-Caspian movie should have been titled "Prince Harvey," with all other character and place names also changed. Then, taking it in isolation, it would have been a good movie. But since almost every character in it was seriously changed from what they were in the book, and almost every theme from the book discarded (the intentional degrading and ruining of Peter as a character fitting both of these), it was blatant false advertising for them to pretend that they were making a Narnian film. It was no more a Narnian film than "Shrek" was a Robin Hood film.

I always call it "King Brat" after Peter. The second movie was less true to the book, yes, but it was more well done as in the overall quality of the screenplay, etc.