New member
He'll come back and scream WHO IS CAPTAINJACKSPARROW???
But, he shall be thrilled we have missed him.
We miss ya Evan!!
But, he shall be thrilled we have missed him.
We miss ya Evan!!

~RG Lover~ said:he just needs to work on his style a bit. what hes wearing is cool, but his shoes do not go with that outfit at all! does he want to be arrested?!cause green shoes with light blue does not match at all, and should be a crime!
Kate12whisper13 said:He's talking gibberish!
but he wants to be Caspian.Alexandra Pevensie said:if u get to be eustace, i wanna be jill...not b/c of u, (no offense) but b/c i really would love to be in narnia!!!
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:LoL, I was on a trip to Europe with limited space! I have style and many pairs of shoes. I picked my most comfertable pairs of ADIDAS shoes. I was gone because of DMA (Drum Major Academy) with George N. Parks. So,,, Whatever I dont care if other people are suggested for the part of Caspian. Why would I ever be mad, it is the same goal I want. I'm supportive of those people. Ice Maiden, Who else did you suggest? Leave me a message if you want to talk. Did that interview ever appear?
Captain Jack Sparrow I salute you "Detail Present Arms" "Detail Order Arms" *Does A freakin snappy Drum Major Salute that he learned in DMA*
O I am kinda metro so it is a bit offensive being told what not to wear (Not really offended just joking). I freakin almost bought capris in Europe if that gives you an idea.
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:I LOVE GIBBERISH!!!
ME TOO ME TOO!!Mrs.Teacup said:Yayy!! I support you remember that
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:I could really use some help with that audition tape! Please post if you have suggestion.
Im sad, no one cares for me any more. Everyone cares for Captain Jack Sparrow. *Cries in a corner of his room* Just Kidding, I like a good competition. Here Here to the newest member of the Wannabe's club!