PrinceCaspianWannabe IS CASPIAN! *GASP*

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Evan, it hit here on Friday not Friday was so crappy....and since it was just off the beach, I think it was a little worse...

Did Brian film that? Ok...that's a stupid question, I already know he did, lol...I finished the math worksheet so I have no homework and we should be all set for Monday. I'll give you a call either today or tomorrow on the way home and we'll do this audition tape thing..ok?
"You will not see this any where else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - camerman with a voice sounding like a cross between Hannibal Lecter and my NROTC's head Staff Sargeant's :D .

Awesome!!! :D So finally we see vat dis PCWB really sounds and looks like.

See ya on the flipside, :cool:

Cyon Corell

P.S.: Are you a Scout (i.e.BSA), Evan? :confused:
Peter's_Unicorn said:
Not necessarily an English accent, Caspian's Narnian, remember? Aslan and Orieus don't have English accents, and they're Narnian.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about that, but he still might have an accent, you never know..

i think it'd be much better than an american accent and english accents are easier to imitate than others............i think it'd be nice to see evan with an english accent........
Cyon Corell said:
"You will not see this any where else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - camerman with a voice sounding like a cross between Hannibal Lecter and my NROTC's head Staff Sargeant's :D .

Awesome!!! :D So finally we see vat dis PCWB really sounds and looks like.

See ya on the flipside, :cool:

Cyon Corell

P.S.: Are you a Scout (i.e.BSA), Evan? :confused:
He's an Eagle Scout, or is working on it, I believe.
Wait i thought PCW was casting for Caspian?
Do you think i could do Aravis? :p

Seriously. lol.
School play pic which i hated. the makeup gave me spots(it was the cheap and horrible sort!)
I are are an Eagle Scout!!! Dat ist uber cool dat vee gotst something un common, though from what I'm inferring, I'm the more conservative of the two of us, but that's cool (if it's true); correct me if I'm wrong. BTW, QueenAravis are you Indian/Middle-Eastern. 'Cause if you are, I'd support you, 'cause otherwise, you look like a near-perfect if not perfect candidate for the role of Aravis. I just have a pet peeve about roles like Aravis'. She's Calormene, which gives her a Mughal/Persian/Arab appearance, so I'd like someone of that kinda descent to portray her. I guess it all started when Oliver Stone had Alexander the Great portrayed by a flaxen-haired (yes, I know it was hair coloring, but seriously) Irish actor, instead of going to someone like Billy Zane, who's skilled enough and IS GREEK, to portray the figure of Alexander, who mind you wasn't bissexual, but assexual (for the most part) (but that's getting a bit off topic). Anywho.....

See ya on the flipside, :cool:

Cyon Corell

P.S.: i am not responsible for any off-topic etc. comments my deranged mind may come up with and present here, jk :D.
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