PrinceCaspianWannabe IS CASPIAN! *GASP*

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Well, I actually LIKED Star Wars Episodes I and III. Episode II was a joke, except for a few parts, mainly Yoda's battle w/ Dooku at the end.

Also, in some disagreement, I do not think the effects for Narnia were cartoonish. Well, maybe pertaining to the Beavers and the Fox, yes. But everything else was pretty amazing. I think less time was spent on the other special-effects creatures and most on Aslan, because he is the pivotal character, and He definitely needed to look like a lion with a bit of human element in Him, and He absolutely did. Plus, most people who saw the movie were Christian, and were looking for the perfect representation of Christ in Aslan. He was not AT ALL cartoonish--He was absolutely amazing. The animators spent 2 YEARS working on him, studying the exact tiny little details about lions--their movement, their facial expressions, the movement of their eyes, even the texture of each individual hair (it's all in the DVD :D). They wanted to get Aslan as close to perfect as possible. And frankly, they did an amazing job. Those guys put so much effort into creating Him, and they definitely deserve the credit. I mean...the BBC one LOOKS like a PUPPET. This one looked real. And it's easier to believe He's real when He looks real. C.S. Lewis would've fainted had he seen ANY of the creatures in this movie, especially Aslan. I think the animators fulfilled Lewis's hope that Aslan wouldn't look like a stupid puppet, and instead would look more realistic and thus be taken more seriously.

But, I am getting off topic. If Ben (he is CaspianKid, right?) is really Caspian, that's awesome! But...I have no idea what he looks like :confused:
Ummmmmm dude...........Caspiankid ain't reason why I'm ticked off with the casting decision. I was kinda rooting for Caspiankid, seeing as I had no chance, he's a decent guy who deserves a break like this, and he's suffered in this life and is still keepin' on, with a great work ethic and outlook on life. I think he'd have been extremely inspiring as of those 'rags-to-riches' kinda stories. Now all we'll get is another 'Hey I was born perfect, babe' dude in the lead role. I do get quite frustrated with this. For once, if reality wasn't so harsh in the Fight Club sense of 'We've been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires..and movie gods..and rockstars...but we won't...and we're slowly learning that fact...and we're very ticked off!!!!!!' sorta way. Ya know...a little break from the drearyness of RL, if ya know what I mean. And, BTW, I'm a true Star Wars maybe you should check out the Reasons To Hate Star Wars I-III, just to get my true faction's perspective on the blasphemy of the prequels. I still think the frozen river scene was kinda cartoonish...and besides a special effect without a story is just a special effect. Guess who said that? Georgie Boy Lucas. And then he went and made the prequels.......when will people learn? I seriously imagine, with some biting irony mind you, this Ben dude trying to pull off a Mediterranean accent, combined with images of me grinding my teeth and then raising a shovel to...well you know...anywho here's a sample:

Ben: " 'Ello I'm fwom Meyceydohneeeah. My nem ez Deymeytreyuuu Prez Kezpeyin."

Me (grinding my teeth as I raise a shovel into the air) "Erkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! Not at all buddy!!!!!"

Screen goes blank:

Due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised. You have been warned and we are no longer liable for any mental-emotional scarring you may experience.

Hopefully that successfully presents my feelings.

See ya on the flipside,


P.S.: I'll admit that SOME of the effects weren't cartoonish. Aslan confronting Jadis waz rokin'!!!
It's spanish. Something about "another blonde?" And "they discriminate to the (against the?) dark skinned/dark haired people." Yeah, four and a half years of Spanish, and I still suck...
Ben Barnes is a blery Brit (he ain't got a drop of real Spanish/Mediterranean blood in him). And I ain't discrminating against dark-haired or dark-skinned people, prolly 'cause I have dark hair and olive skin. It's just thay when they call for a Spanish/Mediterranean dude and cast yet another Brit in the role, it's like their saying that portraying a Mediterranean person is so generic, that even a Brit, with the accent, could pull it off. And besides the whole 'Susan-Caspian romance-thingy' is ticking me off. Who are they aiming to attract to this film? The over 21 year-olds who are obsessed about such vain things? But, don't be surprised when they go ahead with this or some other spur-of-the-moment-wouldn't-it-be-cool-if idea(s) and ruin a dead man's work, for as the saying goes 'dead men tell no tales' and I personally doubt whether they could defend the works they wrought on this plane of existence. So, if C.S. Lewis is rolling over in his grave, so to speak, we'll know why.

i agree i hope that it is all just gossip and Andrew does not go ahead with it because i think it would ruin the movie completely and take away the ru meaning of Lewis's books.
According to Caspiankid on NarniaFans, it's in the least it was in his audition.

I still wish they'd've gotten a younger guy. Should've been Liam Aiken. He would've been perfect, in my opinion. Or some young unknown, or Caspiankid, or Cyon, or somebody else b/c frankly, this news is ruining my love for Narnia right now :( :mad:
Well, he likes to smoke, andthat usually means that he also drinks. Alcohol + Automobile = Death = No Bad Prince Caspian Film = Peace For Us + Peace For C.S. Lewis. Another point I wanted to make is that I hope Ben isn't at all like Natalie Portman. What I'm referencing is the fact that until Natalie actual was cast as Amidala and had begun to work on the first of the prequels, she HAD NOT seen so much as ONE of the Star Wars films. Is it any wonder that her acting stunk as so many crucial points in the story and she appeared to, soooooooo many times, lack any true enthusiasm for her character or the films themselves? If Ben isn't any bit like Simon, Evan, myself (I ain't braggin' cause it's true), or any of the other true and hence crazed fans on this site, or for that matter true crazed fans on any other site and around the world, I'm gonna seriously hope for his demise and perhaps it will come true, after all.
Oh and BTW, does this guy look better than Ben, when it comes to portrayin' Caspian?:


Or this guy?:


Or, in extreme cases, this guy?:


The Grand Army of the Prince Caspian Wannabes had lain dormant many months...many years. We practically disbanded, upon hearing the news that Caspian had been cast. But, if we are to save the cause of the CON, we like the groundhogs:


Must Revolt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join me and victory shall be ours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S.: It feels like I said this before somewhere *scratches head*
:D :D All of those guys would work better, in looks, anyway. We don't know how well Ben acts, though. And wishing for his demise is more than a bit extreme...although one can never lose hope that somehow they'll get a younger guy :p *crosses fingers*

But, I still join your revolt. I love groundhogs :D
I really do hope PC is as good as LWW. *sigh* After reading PC a while really anxious for the movie now. its gonna be great I hope. and I HOPE my dad will take me to see it on the day its I got to do with LWW..but that probably wont happen. :(
grr it was in the script!? no!!! no!!!
hahah i love the pics and i also think that those gys would have made good caspians but Ben might not be too bad! i am just frustrated at this whole romance thing.
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