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*cough*Elf of The Grey Heavens said:And he needs to get on AIM so I can make fun of him having fangirls
I'm gonna remember you said that.
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*cough*Elf of The Grey Heavens said:And he needs to get on AIM so I can make fun of him having fangirls
ILUVJeremySumpter said:OH PCW = Prince Caspian Wannabe. Are u the one who made that video where u played caspian and your little bro was a dwarf?
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:He is my past, my present and my future! (Stolen from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets all rights reserved)
hahaLucy_QueenofNarnia said:*cough*
okayyy then..Voldemort
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:No! Sorry you have me confused for another person. O and I'm on AIM RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANNA CHAT!
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:No! Sorry you have me confused for another person. O and I'm on AIM RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANNA CHAT!
Kate12whisper13 said:*Bites carrot and chews*
What exactly is AIM and how do you get it?
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:I'm always answering Emails. My email address is
O and if you have gmail we can use Google Talk, my favorite.
And now it is obvious what my last name is, poop!
Kate12whisper13 said:I have hotmail and MSN!
Carrots are crunchy! *Queer*(I have carrots near me!)
Okey dokey back on subject!
PrinceCaspianwannabe said:Well, just email me people! I love email!
Princess_Iliana said:haha
he lkes e-mail a lot apparently..