Puddleglum on Weather Channel?

jasmine tarkheena

Active member
Can you imagine how Puddleglum would be on weather channel?

“Good morning, Guests,” he said. “Though when I say good I don’t mean it won’t probably turn to rain or it might be snow, or fog, or thunder. You didn’t get any sleep, I dare say.”
What would he sound like? What kind of forecast would he give?
Tomorrow morning, the skies should lighten, getting lightest about noon. After that, it will keep getting darker."
Suppose a state has been suffering drought, then finally receives a much-needed rain.

Puddleglum declares, "Extensive areas of mud are likely to cause automobile windshields to get spattered, increasing the risk of accidents. Which in turn will cause car-insurance premiums to rise disastrously."
For Seattle, Washington. "It'll rain again today. Just like it did yesterday. And probably the day before that. If you're planning on going out, and I recommend you don't, please take an umbrella. I imagine if you do go out you'll probably get caught in the wake of a passing automobile as it is hydroplaning and be swept along the current and dragged out to sea I shouldn't wonder."
Doppler Radar shows an approaching dark front that will reach us by 8:00 PM and will affect light levels until well into tomorrow morning.