Puss in Boots vs. Reepicheep

Who would win in a battle?

  • Puss in Boots

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Reepicheep

    Votes: 31 91.2%

  • Total voters
you asked this on a narnia forum. of coarse your going to get reep all the way. if you did this on a shrek forum, you'd get puss in boots, but they'd be wrong.
On his own, Reepicheep is just a bazillion times better than Puss n Boots any day of the week... on top of that, the ONLY really fantastic thing about the newest (and worst) Narnia movies is that my love, Eddie Izzard, voices Reep!! <3 <3 <3 ::sigh:: I love him. But even for him, I can't watch the new ones again. They're just too wrong.
I believe reepicheep has the advantage. If he can knock a grown man down(or is caspian a teenager?) then he can just as well beat a cat. But his sarcasim and wits could do with a pinch more spice
How about... neither?

I think they're both really annoying.

No,puss is annoying. Reepicheep is just always out of the picture.
But you should go on you-tube and see the videos by eddie izzard(the guy who plays reepicheep) Me and my sister were laughing for hours.
This is an unfair question to be posted on a NARNIA forum. People will clearly pic there favorite which will be Reep since everyone here is a NARNIA FAN. Un-fair question all the way.
Well we're only getting our revenge for what happens on Shrek forums. So Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!! :D
I voted Reepicheep. Reason being, by himself he took out about 10 or 20 men, in that scene where he was first introducted in the movie. I like Puss In Boots in Shrek but I think that Reepicheep could beat Puss In Boots easily.
Well we're only getting our revenge for what happens on Shrek forums. So Nanny Nanny Boo Boo!! :D

There's a battle like this going on on Shrek forums too. Geeze, it reminds me of the battle between HP fans and Narnia fans referring to the "which is better?" question. Can't we all just get along?! :p