"Be without fear in the face of your enemies, Speak the truth always even if it leads to your death, Safe gaurd the helpless and do no wrong, that is your oath"
-Sir Godfrey and Sir Balian (Kingdom of Heaven)
"Be without fear in the face of your enemies, Speak the truth always even if it leads to your death, Safe gaurd the helpless and do no wrong, that is your oath"
-Sir Godfrey and Sir Balian (Kingdom of Heaven)
You're on your own where there is no phone
And I can't keep tabs on you
Be fair to me, I'll guarantee
This is one thing that I'll do
I won't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but you
'Til you come marchin' home
"I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down..down..down and the flames went higher.. and it burns..burns,, the ring of fire"
-Escript from The Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash)