Random Celebrity names

unadreinieltheubique said:
Sure, crazy girl.

That Stupid Irishman!

*gasps* how dare you talk about Liam Neeson like that....you better behave yourself young lady. you're surrounded by Narnia fans......hence Narniafans.com ;)


Johnny Depp, for like the third time :p

hey ems, i PMed you. laters
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ChildOfAslan7 said:
*gasps* how dare you talk about Liam Neeson like that....you better behave yourself young lady. you're surrounded by Narnia fans......hence Narniafans.com ;)


Johnny Depp, for like the third time :p

Right! I totally forgot!

Johnny Depp's paramour ...
totally Johnny Depp...................... just look at my user name hello? lol