Rangers of the Dancing Lawn II

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The Return!

"it is i, the true heir to the throne of Narnia"

in walks lions mane

ooc: omg! i cant believe u guys still keep up with this....... but it was fun, when i used to......
ooc: Hey Frodosgurl! We need LOTS more RPG's okay??? Tell your friends! :p (Me and my 'bro' are working on something and we need LOTS more people!)
"it is i, the true heir to the throne of Narnia"

in walks lions mane

ooc: omg! i cant believe u guys still keep up with this....... but it was fun, when i used to......

Sweetness! I've never meet you before...but I've always kind of considered you as some sort of legend or something... :rolleyes:

Elindil said:
ooc: Hey Frodosgurl! We need LOTS more RPG's okay??? Tell your friends! (Me and my 'bro' are working on something and we need LOTS more people!)
Will I get to play more than one person if you don't get enough peoples? :p

yes! elindil! i have return, and what news have you for me?
what of those pirates and knights? bannished from narnia are they?

*grasps sword*
Gabe I though you were dead!
And the knights and pirates...I don't know what happened to them! One day they, and the wizard simply disappeared.
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