Rangers of the Dancing Lawn II

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" My father said I was to learn as much as I could by following and doing what you do. Please tell me your name."
"I forget a lot of things...It might help if we knew who he is! You, Dude!" Said Cleo, now talking to the elf. "We've asked you enough times, who are you and what are you doing here? You've got two minutes to explain yourself..."
The elf didn't answer, but suddenly clutched his side and doubled over.
"He doesn't know we use a new poison..." said elindil, "so he'd better start talking soon!"
"You start talking about yourself...who you are...why you're so rude... and when we're satisfied, well, then maybe we'll start looking for a way to cure you..."
"Because us two girls are the only people in the world who know the cure to that poison...because we invented it!"
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