Rangers of the Dancing Lawn II

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"Oooooooooops!" Cleo tried a weak smile and looked at Elindil. She quickly looked away and cringed when she met her gaize.
"I think she had something to do with this fog!" Elindil exclaimed, showing her hand to Cleo. "LOOK!"
"What?" Cleo glanced at the thing in Elindil's hand, and gasped. "What?" Elindil held something that was clearly a magician's stone.
Realizing they saw her she turned around and walked back to them. She didn't say a word cause she was scared.
"It's okay," Cleo said quietly, from her place on the ground. "You don't have to be scared...we just want to know who you are and what you're doing here."
"No.. well kinda. I was looking for a friend of mine who was going to teach me how to shoot a bow and arrow."
"An elf?" Elindil laughed, "There hasn't been a true elf in these parts for over a thousand years! Don't you know the wizard's magic was to strong for them? Causing them to leave? Only a few half bloods remain, because they are part human, and have little feeling for magic."
"Maybe a few have come back...even after all these years, I don't think they would be very happy about being kicked out of their homes! Are you sure that's what your father said, Frodosgurl?"
Elindil looked rather insulted. She considered herself quiet an authority on elves, having had a father who was a half blood himself. "If they had come back Cleo," she said, rather hautily. "They would seek out there kin!"
"Oh..." Cleo glanced worriedly at Elindil, who was looking extremly insulted. "I....didn't know..." she said lamely. Which was true. Although they had known each other for almost all their life, they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and only recently was she realizing how little she knew about her friend.
"But I'm postitve my father said I was to meet a very wise elf here. Someone who knew a lot. A lot about history."
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