Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

*gasp* there is another member to join the Rangers?! :eek: YAY!!!

They can now join the war between the Isnegarders vs. Pirates/Rangers/knights!
Little Miss Me said:
Hello! he he.
Cleo threw an arm around the new member.
"Greetings new ranger! Together we shall fight to the death, side by side."
Going away to eat some more cake, Cleo muttered: "Although I would have prefered 'together we shall fight to the death, may the best sister win!' "

onlymystory said:
ic: to those brave rangers who have joined our forces in my absence I would like to introduce myself. I am onlymystory. I left as co-captain of the noble ranger spies. As my co-captain has been forced to resign due to other obligations I will be recruiting spies to learn my methods. We are feared among the lands for our skill.
Respected greetings, sir.
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Erulissë Manwathiel said:
Oh yeah...remeber that..
onlymystory said:
hey machia. I left a bit before elindil did and the pirates hadn't left for middle earth yet. if there's too much to cover you could just tell us what's up now and who is on whose side.

ooc: Okay, lets see... The Pirates went off to Middle Earth to go and see if they could enlist the help of the corsairs of umbar, but that didn't go too well... What with storms and losing people overboard and having next to nothing as far as supplies go and wolves and weird people who were trying to kill us and Mandalore and pirate romances, we never managed to reach Umbar... The Rangers followed us to Middle-Earth.... I'm not sure sure what all you did but I know you went to visit elves and such.... finally the pirates turned the ship around and headed back to Narnia (Mostly because the romances aboard the ship had gotten out of hand and the cap'n was hoping that a change of air and scenery would knock some sense into the crew.) So we went back to Narnia and I think the Rangers soon followed.... Sometime in there, Saruman went over the deep end and then put a spell on Sparky/Sean (Gondor Knight of Narnia) that made him turn evil... then Saruman, Jadis the White Witch and Sparky took over Cair Paravel and Jadis made it winter in Narnia again... While the Pirates were nearing the shore, Sparky and the Wizard attacked the Black Spot and it was shipwrecked on the Knight's beach... So most of the Pirates went up to the knights castle while some of them stayed to repair the ship.... Sometime in here, I forget exactly when, Jill Pole Queen of Narnia fell under Saruman's spell and turned evil and went off to terrorize the countryside... after a while, The Pirates took Cair Paravel back and the Wizard captive... he escaped and went off to Anvard.... The Pirates then spent a long time dealing with their "romances" :rolleyes: Eventually Sparky and Jill turned good again and If I recall correctly, Adam the Ranger was killed by Jacob... I think.... anyway, then The Twilight Terror (Twilightdryadhobbit) was put under the Wizard's spell, by means of a magic ring (Not the one ring) and stole all the Black Spot's cannons and powder... Then I got captured by Twilight and Kyn (Protofan) turned evil as well... Fish (fish_wwjd_frog) was also captured and we (Fish and I) were sold into slavery to a Calormene Princess... but we were soon sold to Sean's evil brother... Anyway, to make a long story short, the Black Spot was repaired, Kyn turned good again, Fish and I were rescued, and now were trying to bring Twilight back to the good side... At this moment we're in the woods near Anvard, trying to avoid Saruman's orcs.... The Knights are about to come under new leadership by GeNtLe SuSaN after Lookingintoforever left....

As for who's on what side, The Knights are still allied with us..... Twilight is still evil and allied with the Wizard, along with Sean/Sparky's evil brother and some imaginary Calormenes.... I don't think the Rangers are on either side of it as of right now...

Hmmm... That's about it... Any questions? :D
*rides up to the leader of the Rangers,(is it Elindil, or onlymystory, or who) jumps off her white horse to stand in front of her (or him. not quite sure).
She takes her bow and quiver, lays them at the lady's (I'm just gonna go with that) feet and bows.
"I am an archer, from far in the mountains of Archenland, and I come to pledge mine alleigance to the Rangers of Narnia. Will you have me?"*

Simply put:
Can I join?

And if I can:
How exactly does it work? I have a rough idea-I read the first 8 or 9 pages- but I'm not sure exactly.
I have no knowledge of Pirates or Knights. Except that in March you called the Knights Queen an imposter. Is that still going? Not sure about anything. And if I am making a fool of myself, please tell me.

For Narnia, and for Aslan!
hey onceuponatime. well, elindil (now erulisse) and I have just come back into the rangers after being gone. I think Jill has been the leader in our absence but I'm not sure. I was never the overall leader just the captain of the spies. We are not fighting with the knights at the moment as best I can tell. They are in the process of electing a new queen. Then the knights and pirates are allied against some other group and we rangers have to regroup and decide who we are allying with and what we're doing. And welcome to the group.
onlymystory said:
hey onceuponatime. well, elindil (now erulisse) and I have just come back into the rangers after being gone. I think Jill has been the leader in our absence but I'm not sure. I was never the overall leader just the captain of the spies. We are not fighting with the knights at the moment as best I can tell. They are in the process of electing a new queen. Then the knights and pirates are allied against some other group and we rangers have to regroup and decide who we are allying with and what we're doing. And welcome to the group.
one correction: Our new Queen is QuEeN SuSaN. Lookintoforever asked her to step in. And the group that the pirates are against right now is the Isengarders.
OnceUponaTime said:
*rides up to the leader of the Rangers,(is it Elindil, or onlymystory, or who) jumps off her white horse to stand in front of her (or him. not quite sure).
She takes her bow and quiver, lays them at the lady's (I'm just gonna go with that) feet and bows.
"I am an archer, from far in the mountains of Archenland, and I come to pledge mine alleigance to the Rangers of Narnia. Will you have me?"*

Simply put:
Can I join?

And if I can:
How exactly does it work? I have a rough idea-I read the first 8 or 9 pages- but I'm not sure exactly.
I have no knowledge of Pirates or Knights. Except that in March you called the Knights Queen an imposter. Is that still going? Not sure about anything. And if I am making a fool of myself, please tell me.

For Narnia, and for Aslan!

You can join and Welcome!
I am the leader of the rangers (JPQoN was in my absence)
We aren't really at war at the moment, I am working on some things right now...
Will update soon!

Lady Elindil's horse returns to the rangers camp, riderless. A report is soon brought in by the spies, lady Elindil has been taken prisoner by the wizard! :eek:
Erulissë Manwathiel said:
Lady Elindil's horse returns to the rangers camp, riderless. A report is soon brought in by the spies, lady Elindil has been taken prisoner by the wizard! :eek:
Cleo looked at the spy in horror. "Just when we got our leader back, she had to go and get herself lost!" Not recovered from a recent party, Cleo grabbed the last peice of cake leftover from the welcome party and, staggering, went is serch of Jill.