ooc: Haha... Lets hope that doesn't have to happen, everytime we need the thread to live again....![]()
Hey, is the dryad named Noelle Or Noella? Because one of my sisters, (Not either of the ones on the forum) is named Noelle... Just thought that was interesting...
Goodbye everyone, I won't be back until tommrow...![]()
ooc- It's Noelle.
Really? Wow, lol, that's ironic. I just made it up on the spot.

Good Bye Machia! See ya tomorrow!

ic- Herkimer was packing his things.
"I Have to go see her." Herkimer told the other pirates. " She saved my life." The pirates nodded sadly and said good bye. Rigtht as Herkimer was about to get onto one of the row boats, a Mermaid sprung out of the water.
"Hello Dear dwarf." She said sadly.
"Ello." He replied.
"News has reached our ears of IOWW's Death...and of the coming of the Pevensie's. Are you going to teh Rangers camp?"
"Aye...I am."
"Send them word that the merpeople are here to help."
"That I will." Herkimer nodded, adn continued into the boat.
"OH, also..." The mermaid said, as she presented a large seashell to Herkimer," Could you get this to the pevensies? It has our blessings."
Herkimer nodded, and put the shell in his bag. He then set off for the Rangers camp.