Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

"EMMY, CAN YE HEAR US??? Please, answer me!" Fish wanted to sprint toward the girl...if only she knew where she was...

IOWW grabbed the hilt of her cutlass.
"I think her DV came from over here..."IOWW teleported, but found herself in an unrecognized place of the woods.
"EMMY? WHERE ARE YEH?!" After a minute of no answer, IOWW teleported back to Fish.
"I can't find her."
ooc: you don't want to make her happy... she can't fly otherwise...

ic: Emmy was up high and got to her destination in no time. She returned to almost normal...
IOWW grabbed the hilt of her cutlass.
"I think her DV came from over here..."IOWW teleported, but found herself in an unrecognized place of the woods.
"EMMY? WHERE ARE YEH?!" After a minute of no answer, IOWW teleported back to Fish.
"I can't find her."

"Arr..IOWW, call me crazy, but did ye by any chance hear another voice that wasn't ours..? Ye don't think...nay, I'm sure Emmy's fine...we jest have to find her."