Gondor Knight of Narnia
New member
ooc: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Why is everyone always out to get Fyn?
OOC-I art not...

IC-A Narnian dwarf was out for a late night stroll that eve, not far from the Ranger camp. He saw a glint out of the corner of his eye and turned towards it. He saw a shiney coin lying on the ground and a greedy twinkle flicked in his eyes. He ran over to the coin and bent over, looking right and then left to make sure noone was around. He snatched it up with lightning speed and laughed a dwarven laugh as he stuck the coin in his pocket.
"Guess noone'll be lookin' fer this..." He chuckled and continued to walk. Alas, he'd not gone far when a a black-clad rider burst out of the forest!!

"EEAAAAAAAAKKKK!" Screamed the dwarf...