Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

(Adam goes onto the edge of Minas Tirith, and turns into a Dragon. He roars really loud, then starts to fly around the fields of Pelanor and shoots fire at the orks)
King of Narnia said:
(Adam goes onto the edge of Minas Tirith, and turns into a Dragon. He roars really loud, then starts to fly around the fields of Pelanor and shoots fire at the orks)
"Hey Adam! Orks are shooting poison arrows at you :D "
(Adam see's a group of Archer Orks, and shoots fire at them)

"I think I just killed most of their Archers.....Wait! No I didn't"

(Adam spots an arrow in his tail) "Well this is great :rolleyes: ''
Polly Plummer 94 said:

The gates of Minas Tirith fell, and Orks ran in

"Oh, great :rolleyes: ."

Anna starts to yell through out the city, "They've destroyed the wall!"
OOC-you DO realize that it's way too early in the LotR timeline for the Battle of Minas Tirith from Return of the King don'tcha?Helm's Deep hasn't even been besieged n' ol' Pointy Beard(Saruman) has barely started to loose his fighting Uruk-hai upon Rohan :eek:. Oh n' I wanted to defend Minas Tirith once I turned good again... :(
Gondor Knight of Narnia said:
OOC-you DO realize that it's way too early in the LotR timeline for the Battle of Minas Tirith from Return of the King don'tcha?Helm's Deep hasn't even been besieged n' ol' Pointy Beard(Saruman) has barely started to loose his fighting Uruk-hai upon Rohan :eek:. Oh n' I wanted to defend Minas Tirith once I turned good again... :(
OOC= Okay, sorry :o . Let's pretend that this wasn't a huge war, like the one in Return of the King (that'll happen later :D )
OOC-The Rangers would probably be needed @ Helm's Deep...But alas, we'll have to wait for Ol' pointy-beard to attack it...however, The Corsairs are hopping mad about me sinkin' their primary fleet awhile ago n' they're probably going to invade Gondor. :D Like this:

IC-the Corsairs had finally cleared out all the decimated ships from their harbor and began construction on a new fleet. They still had many ships abroad when Sparky attacked them(Several weeks ago afore he went evil), and they'd now rallied 'em into several smaller fleets, which they sent to stain the shores of Gondor with the blood of the descendants of Numenor(Gondorians...) :D
King of Narnia said:
(Suddenly, all the orks started to retreat, back to Mordor)

"Does this mean we won the battle?"
"No, this was one of Mordor's smallest armies. The orks will regroup and attack again, soon. And I believe it's time for me to return to the Loners Camp. Until the next battle, goodbye."

Anna teleports
Polly Plummer 94 said:
Can I join the Rangers?

OOC= Sorry Jill, but the Loners don't really do anything

OOC= LOL. It's okay, I'm probably going to close the Loners thread, soon. But first, Jacob is going to die.

IC/OOC= If you want to join the Rangers, you have to PM the leader, Elindil. :)