Rangers of the Dancing Lawn!

ooc: u should get on msn!

ic: Emmy's eyes got wide when she heard Jack Sparrow DVing her camp!! He was her hero!!!

ooc- Actually, I thought Sean was DVing the camp...or am I missing something?

ic- IOWW her her wound bandaged properly and re-joined the group.
"Well...what should we do now? I really don't feel like decapitatin' orcs..."
*Lucy gave her THE LOOK*

"Me matey has gone crazay. I wouldn't do such a thing. All of the FF have gone nuts."

"Oi! I resent that...it's jus'...you never baked a cake JUS FER ME before..." IOWW smelled the cake," but, I must say, it does smell delicious." :D

IOWW took her dagger and cut herself a slice.
I was killed by a blasted pirate and then you killed yourself! :eek: (out of grief for me of course)

WOOT! YA KNOW is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D

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