Rate the Book Above You

I'd give The Scarlet Letter a 9.I liked it.:)
Never read "Stormbreaker".

The Witch Of Blackbird Pond?
10! I loved that book-we read it aloud as a family and that made it even better! :)

A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
^I read that in the sixth grade, and I remember that I liked it, so a 7.5.:p

The Scarlett Letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne.

haha, what's with the -> :p ?? and only a 7.5!? (Actually, I think I read it in 3rd or 4th grade and it seemed spectacular to my young mind :) )

I have never read the Scarlet Letter but I hear good things about it. *shrugs*

So The Scarlet Letter is still on the board to be rated....
Never heard of it! :eek:

Tim!! I love A Wrinkle in Time!!! My mom read it out loud to us a few years back and I've read it on my own at least once.... it gets a 10!! :D

Persuasion by Jane Austen

(Which I'm watching downstairs! :p)
Tim!! I love A Wrinkle in Time!!! My mom read it out loud to us a few years back and I've read it on my own at least once.... it gets a 10!! :D
Awesome!! Yeah, the whole series is great! That's so cool your mom read it aloud to you-my mom checked it out from the library for me :)

Persuasion by Jane Austen

I wish I've read more Jane Austen, but sadly, I've only read Pride and Prejudice (and loved it). Do you recommend Persuasion as the next Austen book to read? (I feel like I've asked you this before :eek: )
I'm going to list a book... ;)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers *seriously, andn I thought I'd NEVER say this, but I give this a ten out of ten myself. RE-reading it has made me appreciate what Tolkien orignally intended for MIddle-earth.*
10 of course!
Charn-Tim you read it out loud as a FAMILY? I read it by myself when I was 12 and it gave me the creeps for months!! But I still loved it. :)
OK . . .
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth Georges Speare
never read it..or heard of it :eek:: wowi think think thread and others like these should motivate us to rad more, i am always reading abook but like its usually dark fantasy you see or twilight series over.

the Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (common enough book i think)
what-are you for real? k ive never heard of that book either..yo man, k i dont think i should come here...i'll leave with this

The book of dead days by Sedegwick....something bye :D