Rate the lyrics above you!


Active member
So, I saw someone suggested this in the 'Rate the post above you' thread and thought it was a wonderful idea :D I can't remember who it was.

Anyway, it works like this:
You get lyrics to a song that you love (doesn't have to be whole song- just the shorus or your fave verse will do) and post it. The person below you rates it (1 being lowest, 10 highest) and then posts their song lyrics.

Does anyone wanna start or should I?
I'll start

It's the best of both worlds
Chill it out take it slow, then you rock out the show!

(That's not my favorite song but it was stuck in my head)
lol, did u watch Hannah Montana today? 10

You're not alone, together we stand, I'll be by your side you know I'll take your hand, when it gets cold and it feels like the end, I'll stand by your side you know I wont give in, no I wont give in.
Erm.....7.5 :D It's a good song but Hannah Montana annoys me a little.
NVM I just saw your post- 9 because Eragon rocks and the song is great...I just didn't like it playing on the credits right after Shruiken...it seemed wrong.

When they encourage your complete co-operation,
Send you roses when they think ya need a smile...
(Blood, MCR)

Oh yeah, say what the song is after the lyrics if you don't mind people :D
Hey I have an idea......why don't we change it to GUESS the song above you? Someone gives the lyrics, and the person below has to guess the song. If they're right, then they do the next song.
8, thats pretty good!

"She never slows down,
she doesnt know why but she knows that when she's alone,
feels like its all coming down" (Superchick)

EDIT: Princey: I thought that was what we were supposed to do...lol, Im confused now!

Oh, wait, edit again:: Yahh, thats a good idea, but it'll be hard for people who don't listen at all to the music the people here listen to!
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Yeah you're right. Should we just stick to rating then?
Or someone posts a song, and the next person rates it AND tries to guess the song. If you don't know the song, just rate and someone else can guess the song.
Do you follow? :D

EDIT: Oh, rating.......um...err... *thinks* 7, pretty good :)
Yah, that sounds better! Ok, lets try guessing the song too, hehe!

"Here's the day you hoped would never come
dont feed me violins just run with me through roads of speeding cars..."
9.5......wait, oh God I know this, it's from Narnia.... *racks brains* I haven't listened to it in ages!

.....I know it's by Lisbeth Scott or something. WHERE!!! THAT'S IT!!!

"I opened my eyes and saw your face.
I never imagined I would see you again.
But now that your here, I'd wish you stay
and hold my hand till the pain goes away."

(lyrics by meee.....:p)
10! I love it, its Lucy saying it from Narnia right?

Edit: 10 again! Thats so cool, you're a great composer!

"You need that boy, like a bowling ball,
dropped on your head,
which means not at all!"
TN, it's Cancer by MCR.

Hehe 10 for yours, q-o-n :D

Ok I'll do a simpler song which you guys might have actually heard:

Can't close my eyes,
They're wide awake,
Every hair on my body,
Is galloping for this place
10! I KNOW THAT SONG! I can't take it in by Imogen Heap! Wow, Im so smart! ^^

"Before I leave, I have something to say,
I can't go on one more day, the feeling of this world,
I cant get close to, remembering me wont be hard to do"