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I gave you blood, blood,
Gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it will never be enough,
I gave you blood, blood,
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood

9 i like that song

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button, boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe,

There's a light at each end of this tunnel,
You shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
And these mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
If you only try turning around.
10, I love that song!

Daisy, give yourself away
Lookup at the rain
The beautiful display
Of power and surrender
Giving us today
And she gives herself away

Rain, another rainy day
Comes up from the ocean
Give herself away
She comes down easy
On rich and dead the same
And she gives herself away

Let it go
Daisy, Let it go
Open up your fist
This fallen world
Doesn't hold your interest
It doesn't hold your soul
Daisy, let it go

Pain, give yourself a name
Call yourself contrition
Avarice of blame
Giving isn't easy
Neither is the rain
When she gives herself away

Daisy, why another day?
Why another sunrise
Who will take the blame
For all redemptive motion
And every rainy day
When he gives himself away

"Everytime you need me,you know I will be there.
You know I really care...say you will...say you dare.."
8.5, not bad.

This time, this place
mis-used mistakes
too long, too late
who was I to make you wait?

Just one chance
just one breath
just incase ther's just one left
Cause you know, you know, you know...

I love you,
And I loved you all along
and I miss you
Been far away for far too long.
10! Love that song :D

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else can

Speak the words on your lips
Treat yourself in words unspoken
Leave your life and thoughts wide open
Today is where your book begins,

The rest is still unwritten
10! Love that song :D

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else can

Speak the words on your lips
Treat yourself in words unspoken
Leave your life and thoughts wide open
Today is where your book begins,

The rest is still unwritten


"I Will find my place in the Diary of jane."
hmmm 7..not sure what its from:eek:

"Seems like just yesterday,you were apart of me,I used to stand so tall,I used to be so strong.Your arms around me tight,everything it felt so right.Unbreakable...like nothing could go wrong. Now I cant breath...now I cant sleep...Im barely hanging on. Here I am once again! Im torn into pieces! Cant deny it,cant pretend...just though you were the one. Broken up deep inside....but you wont see the tears I cry...behind these hazel eyes."​
i dont think i know that song um 5

These four walls
They whisper to me
They know a secret
I knew they would not keep
It didn't take long
For the room to fill with dust
And these four walls came down around us

It must have been something to send me out of my head
With the words so radical and not what I meant
Now I wait
For a break
In the silence 'cause it's all that you left
Just me and these four walls again
i dont think i know that song um 5

These four walls
They whisper to me
They know a secret
I knew they would not keep
It didn't take long
For the room to fill with dust
And these four walls came down around us

It must have been something to send me out of my head
With the words so radical and not what I meant
Now I wait
For a break
In the silence 'cause it's all that you left
Just me and these four walls again

never heard it before...........6

So what I"m not your average girl
I don't meet the standards of this world
Chasing after boys is not my thing
See I'm waiting for a wedding ring

No more dating
I'm just waiting
Like sleeping beauty
My prince will come for me
No more datig I'm just waiting
'Cause God is writing my love story

Boys are bad that's certainly not true
'Cause God's preparing one for you
If you get tierd waiting till he comes
Gods arms are the perfect place to run

Sleep that's the only thing
For me 'cause when I sleep Gods
Preparing one for me