Rate the Profile Picture Above You II

10,nah,GG and I just chat a lot in this thread.:p

I've got a new one.:p
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Does it (or any of the icons I posted in the Last thing thread) look too bright?Cause my resolution on my computer is really poor,and makes my pictures either too dark or bright sometimes.:rolleyes:
Okay,good.:p I never can tell untill I get on the other computer (but only this one has my gimp,so...:rolleyes:)

Btw,I like your animation thing on the thread.:D
9, thanks, I love Snape and Harry gets on my nerves so it makes me happy :D

my other sister's computer is really new and it's really bright so when I make a banner on one computer and see it on that one I always notice some mistake that I made ;)
9, sadly no, (Harry can be a bit annoying at times ;):rolleyes:) but some of us have been waiting a long time for that moment because of Harry's stupid moments. Snape is always awesome though :D
9, Snape is the same one as I had on the banner I made for Vanessa. He's Harry's teacher who actually puts him in his place :D
Oh,okay,neat..thats Alan Rickman,right?I recognized him,although his hairs different.:p
9, he's great, I can't wait to see him in the Alice and Wonderland movie that's coming out. That movie looks amazing