Recommend a book


New member
I would really love if you could recommend me some great fantasy books!

The last five years I've read like two books I think and they both sucked. But since I read the Narnia series last year I got all into it and looking forward to discover something new.

I'm now reading Twilight and loving it. So I would be really grateful if you could help me with this. And if you like, please explain a little what the book is about and why you think the book is so great and I should read it.


Wasn't sure where to post this but hope this is right?
Anything by Gail Carson Levine. She writes mostly stuff about fairies and stuff. One of her best books is Ella Enchanted. You might of heard of it. They made a movie out of it which is NOTHING like the book.

Also anything by Tamora Pierce. She writes about girls who live in the imaginary realm of Tortall. Her girls aren't sit down and take whatever comes. They get up and do something about it. She's written two series about female knights. One about a female spy and one about a girl who can talk to animals and turn into animals. I really enjoy her books.

The Inheritance Cycle is also good. (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and the new one that hasn't come out yet.) These books are about a farm boy, Eragon, who gets a dragon and becomes one of the almost extinct group called the Dragon Riders. He helps the Varden try to overthrow the Empire. (Kind of like Star Wars)

Hope these helped. :D
The Power Of Five serise by Anthony Horowitz. (4 books)

Septimus Heap - Magyk by Angie Sage. (4 books )

Skulduggery Pleasant - Derek Landy. (2 books)

Just some serises that I have read recently and enjoyed :)
Well, there's obviously The Lord of the Rings, but there are also other classic fantasy series. One that's often overlooked is The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling. Also The Pern series by Anne McCaffery (particularly the Dragonsinger books), and the Earthsea books by Ursula K. McGuin.
"In All Deep Places"-Susan Meissner
(Contemporary fiction..about a writer who returns to his childhood home to find out what happened to the girl he grew up withj.Awesome t wists..amazing book!:))

"My Hands Came Away Red"-Lisa McKay
(Its got some violence,but its good..about a girl on a mission trip who has to deal with a massacre)

"Waking Lazarus"-T.L.Hines
(Fantasy about a man who dies and comes back to life..several times...its weird,but so good!:p)

"Relentless","Fearless",& "Merciless"(Dominion Trilogy)-Robin Parrish
(Classic superhero story with a twist..the guy is fated to use his powers for evil.So the series shows his struggle to use them for good.Its an amazing series!)
Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull. It's about a brother and sister, Kendra and Seth, who learn that their grandfather is a caretaker at a magical preserve. As the books progress, Kendra and Seth get pulled into an adventure mystery about someone who is trying to overthrow the preserves and their attempts to stop this person. It's the best fantasy series I've read in a long time--though I'll definitely read some of the others listed here:)

Fablehaven is geared towards pre-teens and teens, but other people I've talked to enjoy them as well.
The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander are pretty good. If you've seen the Disney movie "The Black Cauldron" it was based off of that series. The books are really much better though. :)
I third Tamora Pierce books. Start with Alanna: the first adventure and just keep going lol. Her Tortall books center around strong women fighting evil, social norms, and even the character's own ideal of life. Alanna, Daine, Kel, Aly, and Beka (all apart of their own series) are smart, witty and powerful (both magic wise and personality wise),

also Jane Yolen is fabulaous. Sister Light, Sister Dark is an amazing, heat warming fantasy. And if you like to read mysteries plus some history check out Briar Rose. You'll laugh, cry and be drawn into who Briar Rose really is.

now if you can get into sci-fi The Kris Longknife series by Mike (oh poo S something) is really kcik butt. She's a girl who , like her father before her, becomes an officer. She's daddy's girl but at the same time she has to make her own way in the world and grab hold of it.

This Alien Shore (forgot the author) is also a really good sci-fi. This girl is the key to the galaxy's trade system and they are hunting for her to possess her amaxing brain, only problem is she has five other souls in her head, one of them a guy and very much not happy being in a girl's brain. its hiliarious actually. lol
I actually have read Sister Light, Sister Dark. It seemed to me that the symbiotic "Dark Sisters" got the dirty end of the stick in that story.
Wow, thank you so so much everyone, this really helped me!

Not sure where to begin though but I'm definitely going to read at least some of your suggestions.
"Young Wizards Series" by Diane Duane Great serise about a 13-year-old girl named Nita Callahan who becomes a wizard and befriends a fellow wizard named Kit (Christopher) Rodriguez. Together they handle going against the Lone One and grow together as wizards.

His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman One of hte best fantasy trilogies written. "I understand that many people have objections to them, but I still heartily recommend them.

Of course I recommend Harry Potter.

The Time Quartet by Madaline L'Engle is an amazing group of books. The four stories are "Wrinkle in Time", "A Wind in the Door", "Many Waters", and "A Swiftly Tiltine Planet"

queenaravis707 said:
Was it? It sounded a little too creepy for me...

Yep..its awesome..similiar in its characters to Twilight,imo..but extrememly different plot.The idea is a little creepy (which is why it took me forever to decide to read it ;)) but its outstanding..and the ending is sooo sweet.*loves Ian*:D <3
Yep..its awesome..similiar in its characters to Twilight,imo..but extrememly different plot.The idea is a little creepy (which is why it took me forever to decide to read it ;)) but its outstanding..and the ending is sooo sweet.*loves Ian*:D <3

I didn't like it really
it dragged in some places
and it was too much like This Alien Shore for me comments don't do it really is awesome.;)

LOL..I never grew out of Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys..I actually didn't discover Hardy Boys untill I was 15,and I read all of the orginals over a year.:p

Hey,I missed out on some important childhood things so I'm making up for lost time now.:p

dayhawK:Oh?*shrugs* Twilight bored me in some places but The Host never did.