Recycled Tuesdays and the Record Company

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Evvie slipped her shoes back on. "Jason's never going to grow up. No lead guitarist ever does. It's a fact of life." She smirked.
"See I'll never grow up cause I'll never be boring like Will and Blake. I'm just awesome like that." Jason nodded, crossing his arms with a smug smile.
"So we're just missing drums and bass," Will muttered. "And yes, I am an adult, unlike the rest of you children."
he let off the key he was holding, and grabbed a pair of eaphones chucking them at Jason, "I'm not that bad Will." he said playing Cannon again.
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"Whoa, hey! not cool." Jason scowled dodging the headphones. "I know why Blake is all moody... he's totally on his man period!" He laughed.
"OW! Hey!" Jason whined, rubbing his knee. "Watch it! I have to mantain my attractive apperence, after all I am the sexy one in the band." He smirked
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