Kirby ground her teeth. "Fine." She took a deep breath. "It seems like you're hold the fact that your girlfriend left you against me. I had nothing to do with that, so stop moping over her and give me a chance!"
he suddenly had the urge to slap her but he held back, "Leave Mel out of this and I am trying to give you a chance...but your constent glaring and snapping at me isn't helping." he knew it must have sounded weak but he didn't care
he knew they sounded like a few three year olds but he wasn't going to lose, "you started playing it...what was I suposed to do...can't I sing a good song and that isn't even the song we are talking about and you know it."
he wasn't talking to Kirby any more...he was talking to Mel, "to try...see beyond just what you feel and see to see what I want!" he yelled his eyes glossing over
he coverd his face with his hands and shook his head. he couldn't belieave he had let her get to him like that...not Kerby..Mel. he coudl feel the tears welling up even more, "It's nothing." he said from underneath his hands