Reorganizing the Forum


Meeting the World
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
There are several changes you'll notice about the forum apart from how it looks now.

We've started re-organizing the forum so that it's easier to know where to post. We've also started to reconsider forums that are here for purposes that may no longer be necessary. Let us know of any ideas you have for new forums, or other changes. Not everything will make it, but we will consider each idea.
We've made some changes, and moved some threads around so they're in the correct places. Most of the forums we created were based on threads that we already had, as you can see. Now they just have a more obvious home.

We've also got a new cosplay forum.
Thank you Specter for all your work transporting the Dancing Lawn to this server! I just used the search function today and it was so cool to be able let the magic of binary find the 2008 G.K. Chesterton and George MacDonald thread (instead of searching through threads from "since the beginning of time" one by one!!). And I can actually post photos and gifs directly now too! Woo hoo!

the witch lucy GIF
I wasn't sure where to say this, but---

Am I the _only_ person on Dancing Lawn who _can't_ get the menu for Bold, Italics, etc. on posts?