Rock on RPG

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Matt looked at her. "I'm not really the best one to be giving you fashion advice." He said. "Besides I have clean up room. See ya later." Matt said escaping out the door.
She nodded " Yes, thank you now go get ready," she told him, closing the door behind him " Hm this is nice weird but nice," she told herself, after she got dressed she went to Matt's room " Knock knock is it safe?," she asked.
"Ok." Ri replied. "What do you want to do?"

Matt led Luna to the kitchen. "Ri? We're leaving. Sure you don't want to come?"

Ri smiled at her brother. "I'm sure. Besides, what would Benji do if I went? It's not like he's in any shape to drive home."
Luna went over to Benji " Take care of yourself Ben OK no more of that," she told him, then went back to Matt " OK I don't want to be late," she told him, kissing him on the cheek.
'I'll be fine Luna" he told her, just slightly annoyed that she said that. " can pick, cause I hate having to pick out of these kinda situations", he said turning to Ri.
Matt led Luna outside.

Ri looked at Benji. "See why it's going to take some getting used to having her here?" She said. "I want to hear some of your songs if that's ok."
Luna giggled " Sorry Ben but you like a brother to me," she told him, before she left " Matt can you drive? I feel like I can't right now," she told him.
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