RolePlaying Site!

People arent stupid b/c they dont answer on a forum or this particular thread, not everyone is always on to post right away to a thread.
Ok dwarvemaster77?
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wow tanner great job,*fake applause* now we'll never get people to got to the danged site. forgive my friend here, she-elfwarrior, he can be a jackbut somtimes. many appologys melady,*bows respectfully*:)
It just shows how immature one can be just over something of no one posting on this thread.
I accept your appology dwarven_crusader77.
And last time i checked no one on this forum was phsycotic.
~If you want people to really do this roleplaying thing maybe tell us a bit more about it. I'd like to know more about it. I like to know about something before going and doing it so maybe one of you could kindly explain to me again what this is, and maybe some tips?~
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H'ok, my friend here is little weird on the internet sometimes.

Well h'ok. The site is just a place for roleplaying which roleplaying, most people know is like this (e.g. *Hits so and so in the face with a hammer*) but with lots more description and stuff. There is also active roleplaying with a chatroom. You can share stories of your on in the forum and whatever else. Just go to the site and read, easiest thing to do. <--right there.

see joe showed an example (kinda weird one) *bows respectfully*

well joe shouldn't be apologizing so i will, "I'm sorry she-elfwarrior19". May you see that i am only joking because i do not know, you may be really pshycotic, and then not be. So i am sorry. (Seriously, not kidding this time) :cool:
I am a chivalrous knight in shining armor tanner, your just jealous, and as for the lovely lady, I think she is very polite and respectful. my blessings and best wishes, If you want to join my freinds site, we welcome you with open arms. as for explaining a bit, its for people who want to role play or just plain have fun writing. :D
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Joey you don't even know what she -elfwarrior looks like lolololol. Chivalrous is for squares (whatever a square is, I heard it somewhere) .

H'ok joey you creep me out even if you not talking to meh! w.e....
dwarven_crusader77 said:
I am a chivalrous knight in shining armor tanner, your just jealous, and as for the lovely lady, I think she is very polite and respectful. my blessings and best wishes, If you want to join my freinds site, we welcome you with open arms. as for explaining a bit, its for people who want to role play or just plain have fun writing. :D

why would i be jealous of being a fruitcake, eh? lol
dwarfmaster77 said:
LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Joey you don't even know what she -elfwarrior looks like lolololol. Chivalrous is for squares (whatever a square is, I heard it somewhere) .

H'ok joey you creep me out even if you not talking to meh! w.e....

Can you get any ruder? Do you ever say anything nice, what does it matters about someones looks. Thankyou dwarven_crusadr77 for being kind and a real knight i thank you *curtsies*
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well i really don't look to being nice on the internet, i said i was sorry. so go eat some cake =) <--thats a nice thing.