RolePlaying Site!

sorry I havent replied to your forum, tanner you weirdo, You never told me you dont like being nice on the internet, and as for me im nice in real life too, you know that. and what is so wrong about being chivalrous?Being polite is what the knights praised and upholded. when they killed, they gave honor to theyre oponents. and I dont know why people cant just open the door, or kiss the hand of a girl without being called a fruitcake!Melady, do you think its strange to be chivalrous?
well joe'y'....

i do open doors but dont do that.

we are not knights joey lol.....but it would be cool....WARRIORS ARE BETTER!

COOL!!! i like cake too much too. heres top 5

1-red velvet
2-"rum" (as in the real beer type stuff) cake
3-wedding cake
4-3 layer chocolate (very rich :cool: )
5-marble cake!
People you need to stay on topic if you want to talk about cake go make a thread about cake in the land of the duffers.
Dwarven_crusader77 i dont think its strange to be chivalrous, you go ahead if you want to be chivalrous. I am fond of any knight who kisses the great ladies hands and what you said about war.
I have'nt done any Role-Playing before, and how do you do Role-Playing?

I'd love to start my first " You know what " at this fourm!!! Please, ANYONE tell me how!!