I was thinking of starting a Pevensies RPG about... you guessed it.... the Pevensies! XD But this time, everything would take place in England during the summer holidays. I want to know if it's a good idea before I start it.
It would be awesome to have more people in Romance, Passion, Adventure... the Land of Norroth. We need vampires, elves, humans... basically anything you want to be! :)
Narnia RPG

I have a rather new Narnia RPG. It has all of the characters of Narnia plus some. It's based a couple months after the coronation. King Peter has been (or is about to be) informed that giants are moving near to cair paravel and they have already attacked another kingdom. the kings and queens of that kigdom are coming to narnia to help with the war.

it is still very new we need a bunch of characters
click here to go to the site

I've just started a new Forum/RPG and it's in need of members/RPGers.
You can be a Druid,Human,Warrior,Dwarf and more. You can buy things (with points),explore and I also need Chiefs (moderators).

Incendia Eternus

I've been working hard on this one so I'll be glad if you could all join :)

P.S. I'm Tári Nénharma on there. Send me a PM if you would like to become a Chief ;)
I got two new RPG Called Ruby Ballerna and Twitches

For the Ruby I need a Prince and Mide a Queen and Rose the evil step sister who thinks only of herself.
OK, for all the guys out there, the Land of Fairy Tales needs a someone to pick up where King of the Hallows left off. The RPG is not girly in any way. It's basically a fantasy place, kind of like Narnia. The character is slowly taking over the world. He is a very powerful warlock, so you need to be willing to be evil.
The link is in my sig.
Yeah... in the "After the Return of the King" rpg.. we need a TON of important people right now. Such as:
Merry's girlfriend (You decide name, age, race, ect.)
Rosie Gamgee
Sam (Is being played by 'Frodosgurl' until someone else wants him)
Gimli's Girlfriend
Boromir's Girlfriend
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