Thanks dayhawk68!! Yes, we need people to play Guys!! I don't care if you're a girl playing a guy.... its good writing experience! It should be a fun RP, so feel free to join!!
ok everyone, we really need some of you to be concern about "discover narnia on our era", we're only four, and we can't start the story without some other member :D

So please come and join !!! ;)
I NEED two more male characters in my thread! PLease come and join, it should be good fun... and it doesn't matter if you're a girl playing a guy part- its all just for fun! Hope to see you there!
Hey I need people to play the following in my Batman RPG:

Vicky Vale


Commissioner Gorden's children.
I need anyone who has seen the PRincess Bride movies to join my RP "Princess Bride Continued." Still open are the positions of Inigo and Fezzik!!
Hey everyone. :} We need people for another X-men RPG. There are a lot a spots left including Jean, Scott, Gambit, Emma Frost, Storm, Magneto. Come and join. We're gonna have a blast. :}

We really Need new people to join the Pirates III: A New Beginning thread!!! We have the perfect opening for you! We've just picked up a new crew from the Island of Terebinthia!! You can just join right in as one of the crew members that Fish or IOWW (Or Twilight if you so wish) picked up!! You can make up any sort of character you want to! Just post and tell us that you'd like to join, or PM me and we can get you started right away!

With all due respect,
Machia, the First Mate