Sacred Heart Hospital

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"Dr. Cox, Just to let you know one of your patients in room 124 is having a allergic reaction." Kendra said in a calm manner after walking into the room.
ooc: thanks...i took that test i was him too...dont know if that's good or not...

When JD came into the hallway Janitor looked up. "What?" He asked.

Dr. Cox nodded. "Let's go Barbie." He said to Kendra.

ooc: i got mia and kendra mized up Dr. Cox will call kendra barbie from now on.
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ooc: i got the characters mixed up sorry :)

"You're to good to answer me?" Janitor said narrowing his eyes. "That's one." He said then walked away.

Dr. Cox looked at her like something was wrong with her. "Have I ever called you Barbie?" He said and didnt waitfor her to answer but left the room going to room 124.
ooc: thanks...i took that test i was him too...dont know if that's good or not...

When JD came into the hallway Janitor looked up. "What?" He asked.

Dr. Cox nodded. "Let's go Barbie." He said to Mia.

ooc: i got mia and kendra mized up Dr. Cox will call kendra barbie from now on.

Kendra rolled her eyes and sighed "My names Kendra. And why must you insist on calling me Barbie...I find it degrading and quite sexist" She scowled with an attitude.
She rolled her eys " What ever it doesn't matter now lets go," she told him, still looking at JD " Oh, JD you are so wow," she said to herself.
"Do I look like I care?" Dr. Cox said to Kendra and then heard Mia muttering something about JD. He whistled at her. "Let's ok." He said looking disqusted.
JD walked to suplies and found a box of what he had been looking for, he returned to the paitent and admiestrated 2 pills to him the notedd his chart and left.

In the hallway he found Turk

OCC: Is anyone Turk??
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