Share a pic not of yourself

Here is a picture of a tiger lily in my front yard. Before this June it hadn't bloomed in 3 years.
And a charming fellow on the step to welcome people into the house!

I have made several attempts to download pictures here, from a memory stick, but each time it fails to do so. Any suggestions why?
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Beautiful tiger lillies! Thanks for sharing, Tim.

Corin, I am sorry, I don't know. Have you put the files on your computer and tried to download from there - is it only the memory stick which gives you this problem? Sorry I can't be more help.

We were to Galveston the first 3 days this week and went to Moody Gardens Aquarium and Rain Forest exhibits. My photos weren't as sharp as I wanted but here are a couple ...


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And a charming fellow on the step to welcome people into the house!

I have made several attempts to download pictures here, from a memory stick, but each time it fails to do so. Any suggestions why?

You need to upload your photo to the web so you have a URL address. Best way to do that is to upload the photo to your Facebook account. When the photo is uploaded to Facebook left click it to copy the URL image or copy link address. Then come back to The Dancing Lawn to reply to the thread, click Insert Image icon (looks like a post card) and paste your URL address that you copied.:D
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You need to upload your photo to the web so you have a URL address. Best way to do that is to upload the photo to your Facebook account. When the photo is uploaded to Facebook left click it to copy the URL image or copy link address. Then come back to The Dancing Lawn to reply to the thread, click Insert Image icon (looks like a post card) and paste your URL address that you copied.:D

Or you can upload it as an attachment to your post. To do that, type your text first, then click on the paper clip icon (next to the happy face). A new window will pop up and you'll click on "choose file" button, you will then be browsing the folders and files in your computer. Find the picture you want and double click on it. Then click "upload" and that's it. If you preview your post first, you'll be able to see the photo attached in your post.
Thank you! They are very gorgeous. Here is some other stuff I saw ...


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Thank you! I don't remember - they were about a foot tall and walked around in a pond or roosted in trees. Rather like small flamingos. Very pretty colors!
Love the fox! I wish it would come to my backyard (if I had one :p)

I saw this sidewalk chalk art while on a walk with some little ones.
So my cat had kittens right after I went to college.
Which is the cruelest irony that has ever happened to me.
This is a picture my parents got of them. My mom said they're probably about 5 days old now. They are doing well and so is their mama.
My mom did especially well before Shadow (the mama) had kittens, because she stopped her from escaping. This is especially good because however cute that little fox up there is, there is a family of foxes in my neighborhood that chased out/killed almost all my uncle's cats!

Shadow's babies will be named by me once I know their genders. In the meantime, admire their blurry cuteness.


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Clearer picture of the kittens in this post.
The black one is a boy and the gray one is a girl.
My cousin and I were talking about what to name them and right now I'm thinking of calling them "Padfoot" and "Luna". Cue Harry Potter fans.:p


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