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Amazing dolphin and whale watch excursion

Today I celebrated the birthday of one of my dearest friends by taking her on a Dolphin+Whale Watch excursion. God was so gracious in that right after we exited the harbor we spotted a pod of rarely seen white-sided dolphins who spent some time gamboling alongside our boat and then diving back and forth under it to play on the both sides before forming a ring to round up some fish in a clump which they then took turns divebombing to hunt. (They have markings like orcas, but are shaped like dolphins.)


At points I saw four or five of them leap up out of the water together to gain altitude to dive under and around their prey. Pelicans and seagulls soon filled the air circling to catch the pieces of fish that they missed so pretty soon it looked like a free-for all.


Then two gray whales, a mother and her calf, were spotted spouting and surfacing along the shore on their migration to Baja California. It was amazing watching the big spout and then the little spout as they came up for air. We spent most of our second hour on our tour slowly following them as they zigzagged south. Pretty soon we were part of a flotilla of whalewatch boats, sailboats and rafts drifting along enjoying the wonder of God's creation. It was breathtaking.


To add to the beauty of this experience, there were a handful of tall ships floating by (there is some kind of festival which starts tomorrow), and as we returned to harbor we saw a pile of sea lions lounging in heaps on the giant buoys.

I do photography on the side. I entered this beauty in my local county fair and since I did well I took it to the State Fair too.

Got 3rd place in the County Fair.
No luck in the State but I'm upping my game this year. lol


  • frog.jpg
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wedding circa 1959. The flowergirl's skirt is bigger than she is tall i think.


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If it will download, here's a childhood photograph of my adopted daughter Annemarie, a native of Korea. She is now a successful businesswoman, ten years older than my informally-adopted "granddaugther" Wood Nymph.

Forget it, T.D.L. software can't accept the picture. Well, she looked very cute in her parka.
Another attempt. A social media acquaintance was sharing photos of colorful places around the world. The picture I'm trying to share was of a sunny waterfront which resembled a location used in the "Dawn Treader" movie. Where Douglas Gresham got clouted with a boat oar.

Princess Frances, I'm impressed with your collection of celebrity epitaphs. There are a FEW names that I don't recognize; were any of them people whom you knew personally?