Should I..... ( about the movie)


New member
Should I audition for Aravis in real life ? I have dark bown hair, dark eyes, tomboyish, have around 7-9 horses in real life, I can ride horses, and when they audition fo it, I'll be aound 18! Tell me what you think.
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I've heard rumours (from Aslan13 also) that HAHB isn't going to be filmed. But, that's from one person, and things change quickly, as they did with PC being released. Personally, I think they'll film it, because there will be a lot of angry fans if it doesn't happen.
Aravis, hah, I said that back on the last pg. Yes, I heard that from Aslan13 on Fords.

I would be soo mad if they didnt make it a movie. It used to be my fav. book (LB is) but its so great and all..and would be left out :(
It's my second fav book, next to TLB. Every book in the series is important, and frankly, if they have Gresham on each film, he's not going to let HHB slide easily.