Should I..... ( about the movie)

Sorry I haven't post in a while ( you know for Thanksgiving with my family)
if I can find a picture they took of me with Ed then I'll try and find it. They must make HAHB! It's too important!
do you like acting? cuz if you did like acting you woudn't sit here and wait for the auditions for aravis to open, you would actually be acting on stage or looking for other auditions or something of the sort...
I am not sure about you auditioning for Aravis, as a Calormene you would have to have darker skin also, I would go for it anyway because they have changed some other things about the movies. they might decide that you would make a great Aravis.
As for Horse and his boy, I had heard on a different Narnia site that they might film it last.
I think they will film it (even if Adamson is not the director) because it is a very popular book.
If they don't I will sue Disney and Walden Media, not Adamson.