Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites III

Sheribelles. ....May I call you, Sheribelles? Thank you from the bottom of my black little Skandarnite heart.

Um sure you can call me that . . .
*Yells to Ash* AshLEE! See what you've done!

Nah, I'm just kidding. I suppose it's better than what Kevin calls me . . . *scoffs* Sherible

Yes Kells your heart is black, just like a piece of coal!
I thought he wanted to "be exposed and be not afraid to fall?"
And you were hiding him?
*shoves the exposed Teddy off a conveniently placed cliff*
*yells down* Afraid to fall yet?

Hey! *uses her magic skills and "Accios" Teddy back up from the cliff*
*then attacks Skander with large rocks covered in honey*
Well peeps, I got to go take a shower. And by the time I get out my mom will probably be on the computer . . . I'll try to be on later though.

Cya PaperB'nites . . . Toad (;))
Hey! *uses her magic skills and "Accios" Teddy back up from the cliff*
*then attacks Skander with large rocks covered in honey*

*Kells and Skandar hide behind shields stolen from the Prince Caspian props*
*Kells warily looks around shield to ask: why honey?*
*Fills the lake with pirannas*

^Yes... Cedric's death was probably the saddest one, because he had no idea what he was getting into. :(
Mars, are you beside yourself with excitement for Half-Blood Prince?

I so am! :D

Yes! I saw the trailer on Sunday and watched it 5 times in a row. Then I opened it in a separate window and just listened to it over and over while messing around on the internet.
November 21 seems so far away though!

I mean, I am, too!! :D Except they messed up Harry's hair, ever since OOTP. :mad:

It was perfect in GOF. I like Ron's hair either the way it is now, or GOF. :D

It will be an interesting movie, what with the whole "Won-Won" bit and all. :p