Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites III

lol, i actually never notice when people check me out. my friends have to tell me and then I get all embarrassed and we have to run away.

*sighs over her very embarrassing past*
I'm trying to find a pic where Bambi's mother is being shot at....


What's up with people having a heart and not posting it on the internet? :rolleyes:
did you see my siggy Sheri...:D

I did! Why did I know you'd choose that one?
Lucky you, when I get off I'm taking your quote out of my sig. Because ITW might not find it appropriate (I don't know why, but just to be on the safe side {I'm paranoid now :p})

And it was a hideous hair style!
What is wrong with you PaperB'nites? Did you not learn from Angela during the first couple of weeks in Battle thread #1? With all her Freudian slips and all?

Dang it! I should've recorded them on word :rolleyes:
oh, and that other pic of ben, in the sunglasses and cool plaid shirt, tie and jacket??




so cute. so...arty. so....aghhhhhhhhh hot. :D

i would probably faint, too, if he walked by me in the street. or looked at me. or something.