Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites III

Oh gross . . . I hate to say it but I was looking through some picture of Will in like '06 and there are some TOTALLY hideous ones. He needs a hair cut so bad!!! What was his mother thinking letting him have hair like that!
ok, so I just wanted to show you guys, this pic cuz it is totally amazing and classic!!! These are my best guy buddies!!!

on the top step by himself is Caleb (Ricky's brother)
and on the bottom step from left to right are my friends Travis, Jacob, and Chris!!!

*saves Sheri's post in a word document for future use*

Oooh, so that's how you roll? I'm still new at the actual "battle". But now that I know . . . WATCH WHAT YOU SAY (or should I say type? :p)!!!!
And it was just one event!!! He doesn't keep his hair like that!
I like that picture, Angela.

yeah, my boys are amazing!!! I'm like super in love with Caleb too (Ricky's brother) but he has a girlfriend!!! I like to keep it in the family...haha!

Ok guys I have to work in the morning, so I'm going to call it a night!

Go Skandarnites!!!!
Shall I remind everybody of THIS?
Whoever cuts his hair need to be fired! And Skandar's wardrobe looks like something on What Not to Wear!
Shall I remind everybody of THIS?
View attachment 5577
Whoever cuts his hair need to be fired! And Skandar's wardrobe looks like something on What Not to Wear!

*hugs picture* That shirt has a special place in my heart.

And that woman on What Not to Wear is evil. Who is she to tell people what to wear when she went for like two seasons with Cruella DeVil hair?
*hugs picture* That shirt has a special place in my heart.

And that woman on What Not to Wear is evil. Who is she to tell people what to wear when she went for like two seasons with Cruella DeVil hair?

She is in charge of wardrobe not hair!
Ooo I wonder if I could send in pictures of Skandar's clothes and see if they'll pick him. They could have a special episode . . . celebrity addition :p
She is in charge of wardrobe not hair!
Ooo I wonder if I could send in pictures of Skandar's clothes and see if they'll pick him. They could have a special episode . . . celebrity addition :p

The Narnia cast already has one Ken doll *rolls eyes at pretty boy Will* It doesn't need a second.
So are you saying Skandar is in the beginning stages of a pretty boy???

Hey, keep your eyes off my (and Ashlee's . . . I keep forgetting ;)) pretty boy!
I adore pretty boy Will!!

I sold some Prince Caspian action figures (Peter Pevensie and King Miraz to be specific). It had Will's picture on it. I about died. It made my day.

*is lame and will be shutting up now*
I adore pretty boy Will!!

I sold some Prince Caspian action figures (Peter Pevensie and King Miraz to be specific). It had Will's picture on it. I about died. It made my day.

*is lame and will be shutting up now*

It'd make my day too.
No don't shut up! I need help . . . BAD!