Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

We pawn the Slandernites easily :p

Find him what...? ;)
*quits retaliating, starts recruiting*
A pity you can't see his lovely dark eyes when he is squinting, huh, Tiff?

*kidnaps Kelly and ties her to a chair*

How about we give you a lovely haircut inspired by yours truly :D

I have to go, but before I do I must ask Tiff not to mistake me for Skandar and try to hug or kiss me after cutting my hair. :D ;)
AWWWWW!!! That picture is SO adorable :eek: He's all squinty

Oh. And I've read some posts. I'm detecting some unwanted fandom towards Skandar from all these lovely "picnic table shirt" pics. :p

:eek: I have been baptized with an anti-skandar aura of protection so tell your army of skandar look-a-likes to come over to the battle field, I won't be affect...infected :D