Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites


Aww, he had those rubber bands on his braces. Those hurt like nothing else. Well maybe mine would have hurt less if I wore them as often as I was supposed to.

Anyway, I have come to join the Skandarnites. Who do I talk to for recruitment?
Go over to the Skandarnite thread in the Fan Clubs section. Then come back here cuz we need all the help we can get in defeating the paperb'nites!

I'm STILL waiting for my official Skandarnite membership thingie to get accepted (you can request one in the user CP section) Welcome!
Pshaw! Please, you have to be on a waiting list to be a Slandernite? Sounds elitist if you ask me.

Down with Slandernite elitism!
Aww, he had those rubber bands on his braces. Those hurt like nothing else. Well maybe mine would have hurt less if I wore them as often as I was supposed to.

Anyway, I have come to join the Skandarnites. Who do I talk to for recruitment?

Helloooooo I'm Cera, Vice President of the Paperbnites Organization. *shakes hand formally*

Pshaw! Please, you have to be on a waiting list to be a Slandernite? Sounds elitist if you ask me.

Down with Slandernite elitism!

Oh I know that.

But all (or mostly all) things the Paperb'nites say and do are used as tools of malice. Take their cookies and desserts for example. They are used to lure the poor innocent Skandarnites to the dark side!
Helloooooo I'm Cera, Vice President of the Paperbnites Organization. *shakes hand formally*

*slaps hand* No, you can't steal my sister!
*hugs Manda* Yay, you joined the fight! :p

And the PaperB'nites use of desserts is just cruel and unusual and very White Witch-y. *tummy growls*