Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites


Oh, it's a double-hitter!
Not only does this photo give proof to the fact that Skandarnites
are superior to PaperB'nites, but he also looks amazingly attractive!
Ohh, burn.
What now?​



1stly: I love your siggy!

2ndly: :mad: Paperbnites RULE! :p

Oh, it's a double-hitter!
Not only does this photo give proof to the fact that Skandarnites
are superior to PaperB'nites, but he also looks amazingly attractive!
Ohh, burn.
What now?​

First of all, I applaud your originality.

Second, :p

*is hoping a fellow PaperB'nite comes up with something creative as well*
I do have to agree that your sig rocks. That picture will NOT stop us Paperb'nites! We will prevail!!!

We'll see about that, you fools!
( Thanks for the siggy compliment! :) )

Check the Gate!
Watch ya-self!
Check the Gate!
Show me watchya got!

*continues chanting Check the Gate as I begin swinging from ropes attached to nearby trees, and launching massive amounts of Turkish Delight by the bucketload as I pass PaperB'nites*
I tried to like it, really I did. I got it at World Market. I don't remember what it tasted like, just that I needed to drink something right after I ate it, and oculdn't eat the whole thing. I was so excited, too.
Aw, what a disappointment that must've been.
And just think, Skandar had to eat around 20 or 30 pieces the size of his fist with a strait face.
Poor Skandie.
YAY SKANDARNITES...YAY PAPERBNITES. I have designated myself official cheerleader of this battle. hope no one minds.

You see, I was going to try to be a spy for both teams. But I would have been found out VERY quickly aaaand the Paperb'nites are waay more fun. *No offense meant to the Skandarnites* You guys are fun too.
*speaks in a dramatic tone*
Choose your last words carefully, you cookie-eating scoundrels.
*shoots an entire can of silly string at each of my enemies and their bicycles*
Ha! Let's see you deliver paper now with silly-stringed bicycles, you PaperB'nasties!
Yaaayy for cookies! See Skandarnites? We have awesome and delicious cookies. You have gross Turkish Delight. HA!

*Silly strings MrsKeynes back* Is that all you got???
*Stuffs face* these cookies are great!! but don't forget he offensive on the Skandarnites. There doesn't seem to be to much action on their end. they're suffering from silly string overload.

Skandarnites..are you still there. stif upper lip remember?