Skarpe RPG, Part 1

Johan 72109

New member
They woke up, and realised that they couldn't remember a thing. Nothing.

Their names, weapons, likes, dislikes, the fact that they felt absolutely diabolical - they could remember all that.

It's just they couldn't remember anything else. Where they were. What they'd been doing. Every element of their lives had been stripped clean, until it was just a fresh, clean slate. Clean save for one, last memory.

Screams and howls of pain and terror. The taste and smell of blood. Feral snarls, of neither man nor beast. Fear, lots of that. Running feet. Loud cracks of musket shots, more screams. More snarls. Death.

A clean slate. More or less. And to start off with, they were lying on a floor, in a small, dirty upstairs room, in what they presumed was an inn. Dawn's light was creeping through the half closed shutters. Outside, a cock crowed. Through the open door to the room, they could see a staircase leading downstairs, from which direction they could hear voices in conversation, and the sound of mugs clinking upon tabletops.

The companions could either explore the room they were in, or descend the stairs to the bottom floor of the inn.
Andria got to her feet, and looked around. Where was she? Who was she? What was she? And why couldn't she remember?
"Perhaps," she said to herself, "I got hit on the head."
She looked around her, there were four other people in the room. Perhaps they knew what had happened...
Eliana sat up. Where was she? Who were these people with her? She touched her bag of knives; a tough leather which kept them, and her safe. She grasped for memory in the back of her mind.

"I am Eliana" she whispered to herself "I have knives, and I throw them for entertainment. But what else?" she thought harder. Then she got something she wished she hadn't found. Her last memory. The pain, the screams the terror. She wished to find no more.

She looked around her. She didn't know these people, but she had a feeling they would have to work together in order to survive.

"shall we go downstairs? there are people down there that might could help us find out where we are"
Lupa breathed slow and easy she felt at her boot where her knife was and she remembered she had a sword on her left thigh as she was right handed... she remembered her secret, or rather, she sensed it. She also remembered that she was an excellent marksman and she liked sleeping alone. 'I'm a hunter.' she thought 'I hunt things and I usually am in the forest.' She didnt know if the others knew but she wasnt going to tell her secret so flippantly, for all she knew they might have been her enemies...

Then a rather rude memory flashed in her mind, screams, snarling, and the smell... blood. She felt death and her sensitive ears were picking up bits and pieces of downstair coversations as they were already loud enough.

"Hmm..." she said "I wonder if this might be our room?" she looked at the people around her, 'Maybe they wont want to fight me.' she thought 'They look as confused as I am.'
Ledra woke, her heart hammering. She felt for her knife, then tried to remember why she needed it. She dropped her hand. What had happened? She remembered – no! she couldn't remember. Nothing. Except fear.

Suddenly she relized there were people around her.... They looked just as confused as she. They were in an inn. Perhaps they could get food; she was ravenously hungry – no, that would never do. What had happened to them? Who knew what they might meet down there!

She spoke. "Friends," – she had no reason to think then otherwise, and it was safest to seem friendly – "Friends, know you what this place is, and what has happened to me – us?"
Mingling in the common room

The group decided to descend the stairs outside their room.

A brief discussion amongst them let them realise that they all shared the same experience. None of them had a single clue where they were, or what they were doing.

The stairs opened out into dirt and decay.

They had entered into the small common room of an inn. Early morning light filtered in through grimy windows, only serving to highlight the filthy floors and tables. At one wall of the room stood a bar, and on the other hung two paintings - one depicting three feathers on a field of blue, the other a rather stern looking, bullish man in a grey uniform, a sabre at his side.

The common room was also filled with people, even at this early hour. At the bar stood the barman, as well as a couple of maids. At one table sat two men and a woman in fine clothes, angry expressions fixed upon their pale faces as they chattered to each other in a foreign tongue. Bowls of thin pottage were set before them, almost untouched. A dwarf sat silently at one of the tables, cutlass set on the table before him, an ale in his hand.

And in addition, the group saw a goblin standing at the door to the inn, who took one look at them, yelped in terror, and then scrambled out again.

The group now could split up if they so chose and talk to anyone inside the inn, or leave the inn itself if they wished.
Luna looked around the common room, and noted to try to find the goblin later. He knew something, she could sense it. but she thought she'd let im have a head start, she wasnt in a hurry as far as she could tell and she though if he was tired when she found him it was possible he would submit to her will sooner. The maids were probably a good start, they knew much of what went on in an inn.
"Perhaps" thought Luna "I should start with them."
Andria, pushed a strand of her long black hair behind her ear, and walked over to the Bartender, she wanted to ask him a question, and she also wanted some ale.
Lupa asked a barmaid if there were any rumours floating around that she should know of. One of the barmaids grinned nastily.

'One of the noblewomen witches was arrested last night by the army. Something to the tune of causing disruption and violence in the lower quarters. Her father's offering a reward to anyone who can negotiate her release, but no one's likely to accept. Good riddance, I say. One less noble to worry about.'

The other woman nodded in agreement, and added, 'Probably she was in league with the cut-throats down in the Rishtig. You know how these Lewellyns like to stay together, thick as thieves around a caravan.' With this, both women give a pointed look at you.

'And why do you want to know, anyway?' the first woman ssid giving Lupa a rather nasty look. 'You came in last night, you and your friends, drunk as knaves no doubt, looking as if a Vampyre itself was chasing you, then went straight up to bed without so much as a by-your-leave! Not safe, for Lewellyns like you to cause so much of a stir. The army might take offence.' Her companion nods again.

Lupa decided she wouldnt get very far with the maid and turned to the bartender to ask for an ale...
Eliana felt quite uncomfortable in the room. She had felt rather sick ever since she woke up and felt like she needed some fresh air. But what about that Goblin? She decided to follow after him.

Eliana stepped out into the street. She decided the air was still not that fresh but kept her word to look for that. Why was he scared of them anyway?
this alright Johan?

Andrina walked over to the bar, where the barman and the barmaids were chattering together softly. She noticed Lupa doing the same, but heading for the barmaids rather than the barkeep. As they approached, the conversation was stopped. The barman turned to face Andrina. 'What do you want?' he asked gruffly.
"I want a drink, and I also want to know where I am." She answered him calmly, for she was used to being spoken to gruffly. She smiled sweetly, flirting, for she knew well you catch more flys with honey than vinigar.
Yeah, 'tis fine Elendil

Lupa turned to the barman and bought herself an ale, catching a few more ugly looks along the way...

[What a useful post I've just written... :p ]
Lupa gave them a look back daring them to mess with her. She didn't want to put up with anyone's problems other than her own.

"What did that barmaid mean 'Lewellyns'?" she thought. All she knew was that Lewellyns were a type of hunting dog. However Lupa didnt think that was what she had in mind. "Are these people really my friends?"
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The barman handed over the drink without another word, a thin brown mixture in a filthy wooden tankard, accepting a few copper pennies in return. He frowned at Andrina in interest.
"Quite a run last night then, if you don't remember..." he murmured. "Well then, young lady," he said, tone changed now from the gruffness moments before, "This is the Three Feathers Inn, on The Mamaev Square, in Port Leviboskov, The People's Republic of Barka." He chuckled at his comprehensive answer, and added, "Will that do?"
Andrnia looked at him again, still smiling, "Would you be so kind as to tell me what a 'Lewellyns' is? It seems my 'friend' wants to know."
"Lewellyns?" The barman asked in amazement. "You mean you don't know?" He stared at Andria's blank look, goggling. "Lewellyns are... you. You and your friends are Lewellyns. How else can I say it, Barkans are from Barka, Pilgrans are from Pilgra, Nantites are from Nante... And Lewellyns are from Lewellyn." He frowns in puzzlement. "How can you not know that ?"
Looking around, she was at a loss for what to do. Where were they? Three Feathers Inn, People's Republic of Barka...but what was that? Ah. Andria was getting some answers from the barman. "...a 'Lewellyns' is?" she said. Ledra listened more carefully. "...don't know? Lewellyns" For moment the noise from the other drowned out his words. "...from Barka, Pilgrans are..." She strained to hear. " Pilgra," One of the barmaid's voice rose; she moved closer, trying to stay out of the way, "...are from Lewellyn" She nearly ran into a table, "...not know that?"

"My friend is still exauhsted from yesterday; she isn't thinking well." Ledra said quickly. "How was it last night after we went upstairs?" She hoped this was not to great a blunder...They went upstairs, after all, whether they were dragged, or went up by themselves!
The barman nodded at Ledra's explanation, then answered her question. The three members of the group listened closely.
"Nothing of note," he said. "That goblin creature who's just departed in such a hurry came in shortly after you did. Asked about you in fact. Asked if your friends had arrived back or not, which they hadn't. Still haven't in fact." The barman frowned. "You wouldn't happen to know where your friends are? You know, the other four of you?"
"No. We havn't. What did he know of them?". Perhaps the goblin creature knows more of us than we do our selves, she thought. "Do you know aught of him?"
"Not particularly," replied the barman. "He said that you'd all got into some sort of trouble in the Rishtig, then asked if any of you had yet returned. He seemed quite concerned for you... Gave detailed descriptions of each of you, including the ones who aren't here at the moment. I hope nothing serious has befallen them?"
Lupa thought all of this through without saying anything. The goblin still caused uncertainty in her mind. He could still be an enemy and she wasnt going to trust anything anyone said unless it was one of her companions. She took a swig of ale and waited for her other friends to speak...