Skarpe RPG, Part 1

Leave the inn for the Goblin Quarter? Or continue to pick up information?

The barman continued. "If you wish to find the goblin though... The best place to start looking is in the Goblin Quarter, by The Wall... You can't miss it, it's in the midst of the wealthy district. Cursed goblin traders, stealing our money and our livelihoods..."

The group looked at one another. They could either head for the Goblin Quarter, or continue to circulate around the common room.
"It would seem the wisest coarse." Ledra paused, then spoke softly, so only her companions could hear; "There is little more we can learn here without giving away our...state of mind."

"Well; what say you?"
Light from the oil lamp flooded into Dmitri's vision as I tried to open his eyes. He had a terrible headache, obviously from too much ale the previous night... though he didn't remember drinking any. In fact, he couldn't remember much about the previous night whatsoever.

As his eyes became accustomed to the room around him, he realised he was alone. Where was he? His memory was like a thick fog. He strained desperately to recall some memory, but he could could only catch fleeting images that flitted away as soon as he tried to grasp hold of them.

Suddenly, Dmitri relaised he could hear voices from the room below. He was evidently in some sort of tavern. Maybe there was someone down there who could help him out, give him some clue as to what had gone on. He made his way down the narrow staircase into a dimly lit common room. His eyes fell upon a cluster of women, who seemed to be discussing something serious. Perhaps they might know something. Dmitri made his way over to them. They looked dangerous, all armed and with the look of warriors, but they were women, and not Barkan like himself, so he had no fear of them.
Before anyone could speak, another joined them. He looked nearly as befuddled as they had felt earlier; and weary. Ledra turned. "Who might you be?" She frowned slightly, "And where did you spring from?"
"They call me Dmitri," he said turning to the one who had spoken. "But I have not time for the idle talk. What happened last night? I am believing you know something, yes?"
"Perhaps. Or perhaps we know no more than you." She frowned again, puzzled. "Do you know nought of it?"

The thought was growing on her that this man knew no more than they; had even, as they, forgotten everything. If he could but be made to let this slip...
'Enough of this! I do not like these 'pleasantries' as you call them. You tell me everything you know, or you shall regret it!'

Dmitri's eyes narrowed. His hand moved toward the axe at his belt. Ancient and worn as it was, the blade was still keen and could cut through almost anything.
"Everything WE know is everything YOU know!" said Lupa standing in front of her companions "You dont scare me with that little axe of yours and if you hurt my friends you will regret it. All we know is that we came to this inn and somehow we were knocked out and all WE remember is something we do not want to repeat! If you wish to be our friend you need to be more tame of tongue!"

Lupa loooked at him in the eye and breathed a few breaths "Perhaps you should tell us what YOU know. Somehow i think you know more about us than we do."
The whole room turned to stare at the group after Lupa's outburst. The barman was frowning, and the two maids were whispering together.
The dwarf had one hand touching a cutlass at his side.

The group was drawing attention to itself.
"Look honey," Said Andrina turning to Dmirti and puting on her flirting manner again. "I don't...we don't know you...and I'm sure if you were in our possision you wouldn't what to tell they first person who asked you all about yourself."
Ledra glanced around anxiously, "Why don't we see what we can find out about that goblin-thing, and...converse along the way?" She turned to Dmirti. "We should not wish to – disterb [sp???] anyone, I think." she said, warningly.
"Da. I agree. We must leave this place, before we get into more than you pretty little things can handle."

Dmitri strode toward the door and into the street outside. He waited for the others to follow so they could decide which way to go.
The group decided to head for the goblin quarter, to find their good friend...

The group left the inn, under the piercing gaze of the barkeep and the barmaids. They found themselves looking out onto a huge paved square.
One end was dominated by a small mansion, bedecked with flag after flag, all bearing the same insignia - a white scythe and plough crossing over an anvil, on a black field. The other three sides of the square consisted of shops, inns (including the one they had just left, The Three Feathers,) a long hall, again with flags covering it, and a physician's. Grey-coated soldiers stood everywhere. In the centre of the square, a tall statue stood - a man clambering over barricades waving a flag and a sabre, gashes covering his arms and chest. 'The Death of Petrovich, Founder of the People's Republic of Barka - Born 1487. Died 1518', reads the plaque.

The group would be able to return to this square at a later date to look around, if they wished.

The group continued along filthy streets, occasionaly pausing to ask for directions to the goblin quarter. As the day began, the streets steadily began to get more crowded, until the group was literally pushing against a horde of hawkers, merchants, farmers, and soldiers, all screaming and yelling at each other and the crowd.

Eventually the streets became cleaner and less narrow, and less densely populated. Goblins began to be more and more prevalent. The group entered out onto the goblin quarter.
A long street of wealthy looking houses led along, directly beneath the tall walls of the city. Goblins wandered along, being overtaken by carriages and large carts covered by leather tarpaulins, all rather expensive looking.
Along the street, as well as the houses, there was a weapons and ammunition shop, a clothes shop, a rather refined looking inn, a collector's shop, and an embassy.
The group could choose to visit whichever place they liked.
Andrina looked at the shops, then turned to her companions. "I'm going in here," she said nodding at the weapons shop. "Anyone else coming?"
Ledra hesitated, glancing at her rather worn clothes. Then she glanced up, and relized that the others clothes were in even worse condition. She would have to make do; she wouldn't have them think she was fussy, Uhg. She couldn't remember. Not the merest syllable.

"It's horrible! I can't remember a thing," she exclaimed. Then she caught herself, and glanced anxiously at Dmitri. He didn't seem to have noticed. Well, he probably has forgotten everything too, she thought.

"I'll come," she said to Andrina.
Dmitri looked around. A fleeting memory of a previous ecounter on this street many years ago brushed the edge of his thoughts before receding in to the depths of his subconcious.

So, the girls wanted to visit the weapons shop? Dmitri laughed quietly to himself. Goblins often had the ability to make people feel uncomfortable when around them. They should learn to control their emotions and fears. They had more important things to do than spend time shopping. Maybe it hadn't been such a good idea joining these women. He, however, did not have a penny to his name, anyway. He decided that the best thing to do would be to make his way towards the inn. Surely the goblin would have made his way back to where he had been staying. This seemed liek a good place to start looking.

Dmitri deliberately turned his back to the weapon shop and pointed to the inn. His face was set and he stood akimbo waiting for the others to follow him. No doubt, however, as the had led up to his expectations of women already, they would disagree with him.
Lupa saw Dmitri look at the inn and saw as her two companions entered the weapons shop. Lupa didnt need weapons or clothes and she was curious about Dmitri so she decided to follow him and see what he was up to. Lupa felt that sooner or later she was going to have to decide whether or not to trust him.

"If only he wasnt trying to push us for information i might be able to trust him. But then again the fact that he DID press us means that hes only trying to figure things out for his own sake. Maybe he WAS our friend and forgot everything just like WE did, either that or he IS a foe that got caught up in this mess same as the rest of us." she thought for a moment "Better to have a friend than a foe."

Lupa had made up her mind to keep an eye on him and so decided to go with him into the inn.
The Weapons Shop - Andrina and Ledra

The two women stepped into the weapons shop, looking around at the heavily ornamented interior, walls bedecked by paintings of battles and warriors of long ago.

A goblin stepped from another room at the jangling of the door bell, an oily smile on his face, cracking long fingers together. "And what can I do for you charming ladies?" he asked. "We sell every kind of weapon here - sword, buckler, claymore, pistol, musket, rifle - whatever you may wish for, we can provide. And of finest quality as well, straight from the forges and smithies of the Dark Empire. Of course, the more... exotic... items, may be a little out of your league." At this, he sneered at their grimy clothing, "And they need a government license to boot. Of course, the larger weapons would also make you a little inconspicuous, especially were you to be in a place where a young lady would certainly not wish for overmuch attention..."

Andrina and Ledra could buy swords, bucklers, knives, and ammunition for guns (all rather expensive). Other weapons appeared to be either too expensive, or required a licence.
The Inn - Dmitri and Lupa

The two entered the inn, recieving rather hostile stares on the way in. The inn looked rather better quality than the one they had just left (The Three Feathers). One wall was mounted with a picture of a bull-like man in a grey uniform, the same as in The Three Feathers, but this picture was being used as a dart board.

In the inn was a goblin innkeeper, a small weasel-like man sitting in a corner wearing rather ragged clothes and looking slightly hungover, and three goblins playing darts and drinking a clear green liquid from small elegant bottles.

The two could go and speak to whichever group they wished.