
maybe cuz a clams on ur head. Ahhhh! Run away!!
Last night I had a dream where I went to england w/ my dad and my mom made me bring a plastic sword to kill this dude. I couldn't kill him so my dad (and I) got severely injured. I dunno.. but i also met Skandar but he was a little KID!!! (11 or 12 I guess) Oh well... it was weird.. :confused:
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I changed my was it's Daphenilia....if anyone calls me Daphenilia....well then...i will....I'll tell you if it happens..... (and NO it's not cuz i cant think of anything)....soooooo....randomness......uh......BOO!....scared ja didn't i? :cool:
i love shoulder hurts...cuz i have some like tendonitis or on my rotaters cuff :confused: ....but whatever.... *calls in goofy scarcastic voice* rehab!!!! physical therapy!!!! where are you?? here i come.....i will be seeing you soon....and often....for four weeks....blech