So...Who's On Now? IV

I mean I come on! AUSSIE'S RULE!!!
bet you don't know what this means: air fridge.
that's how we pronounce a certain word...guess it.:p
Is it an air conditioner?

Haha! You could... the Southern dialect is really hard to understand if you don't speak very loudly. :p

*imitates southern accent* hooooop doggy dog it sure is. :p They're harder to understand than a red cat riding down a wagon on a hot summer day.
*cough*thai*cough* is hard to understand!

Tennis shoes? They're just like runners, right?

That would depend on what runners are, if they are what I think they are then yeah they are. :p
While I was in Australia, my dad went to a store and he asked if they had any tennis shoes. The salesperson showed these shoes, and he's like "These aren't really made for tennis but you can still use them to play tennis." lol :D