So...Who's On Now VIII

Uh huh. And I've seen guys do some other pretty weird things too. Doesn't mean it's normal. :p

Aaand I should go now! I've procrastinated long enough! Byee! *hugs everyone* Love youu!! Wish me luck studying. :D

Oh, and if anyone talks to Levi tell him he needs to get on msn next time I'm on and edit my story. :p

Bye!!! *hugs* Love ya!! good luck!
Bye Aurora!

Okay...I'm going to go there *hopefully next summer* and I'll take lots of pictures and come on here every night and tell you about my experiences. OR we could all take a TDL field trip!!

Yay! A field trip! :D

*puts hand in pocket* I have $.75 cents & some lint to contribute to the TDL field trip fund.
And I have........ $1.00 and some ABC gum.

*gets ready to rob bank*
So if you two are the robbers what does that make me? XD I've got like $0.80


You get the get away car ready!

*robs a bank*
Policeman: Why'd you do it, son?
Me: *points at Ashley* She said we should do it!
Policeman: Is that true?
Ashley: Well, yes but--
Policeman: Please come with me ma'am, we have some questions for you....


Kevin, thats not how it would work. You'd go down with me!

AAAAND if you're positive about it...we'll get away.