So...Who's On Now VIII

That's so mean! Making me choose! *is a HUGE film fanatic* I can't choose one definite favorite. BUT if I had to choose one....that wasn't part of a series.....I'd probably have to go with......yeah....I can't do it.

Harry Potter, Princess Bride, Hook, almost anything by Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler, LOTR, The Invisible, Tuck Everlasting, John Tucker Must Die, Da Vinci Code, POTC, Narnia, uhhhhhhhh that's just to name a few....

FOrgive me if I have to get off in a hurry...storm coming.

Oh no! What kind of storm?
Tell me bout it...we had one come through here the other day. (it formed tornados in a few areas including behind my brothers house.) (luckly nothing was distroyed)
Ashilwhat?? It's going....I was supposed to hang out with this kid that I kind of/sort of like but I think he stood me up......other than that I'm peachy.

And yourself?