Miss Freckles
New member
hi peoples...
Ah, cool.
I don't really play sports, when I was younger I played soccer, softball and basketball...but not any more(for various reasons). I like watching sports though, mainly football and baseball...and hockey live, not on tv.
Mmm. I've never seen a hockey game live, but I really ought to because I live in a state where it's historic and all. A lot of girls here seem to play softball and idk why. But as a swimmer, I have a lot of the same physical issues. The olympic trials are coming up soon too, so I gotta watch some of those as well.
I have swim practice soon. Ew.
Yeah, it's actually pretty exciting. Especially when there's a fight...it's pretty funny, to be completely honest.Would you ever want to be in the olympics?
Hm, fun.So you're on a swimming team?
They call it a swim team. =P But yes, I am. It's not really that much of a fun sport. Useful, yes, Fun, no.
AHHH AUSTRIA HAS DIEDDDDD. 'Tis all well though. There are more teams. Many more.
-is being ignored-
-goes to emo corner-
Hi, Spare Oomian.Nothing's up...Just taking a break from cleaning my room. (After working in there for like an hour, I got nothing accomplished, but organizing my books
LOL Man, that rots. At least you got something done though. Rome wasn't built in a day. (btw, You can call me Oomy, if you want)
My grandma got robbed at she was leaving the hospital and my grandpa just went into the hospital.
Lolololthanks. You can call me MK. (Did I already tell you that? If so, I'm sorry. *goes insane*)
LOL Yeah, ya did.Thanks though.
*Adds my name to my Sig so that I don't have to tell everyone, anymore.*