So...Who's On Now VIII

^don't feel bad, sheri. :p You're a (presumably) teenage girl! (like me, lol) and I'd be worried if you didn't say stuff like that from time to time. :D

Greetings, ITW! I'm new to the thread. heh. o_O :rolleyes:

EDIT: i'd hate to be a celeb, too! but he said he wanted all the fangirls to flock? hm. it always amazes me that all these very cute actor boys don't have girlfriends or struggle with it, or something. lol. *talks to self: STOP. NOW.* *glares at self*

Oh, I completely understand why they have trouble with girls, cuz most girls they meet are "fan girls" therefore the celebs want a relationship with a girl that isn't obsessed with them as a celebrity idol! Which I'm sure is hard for them to come by!
Oh, I completely understand why they have trouble with girls, cuz most girls they meet are "fan girls" therefore the celebs want a relationship with a girl that isn't obsessed with them as a celebrity idol! Which I'm sure is hard for them to come by!

That would be hard. I mean if I was a celeb. I wouldn't want to have a boyfriend that was star struck.
^very true. so, if i were to meet one, i would do my best to get over my star-struckness very quickly, so I could seem like I am actually interested in them as a human being. :) and that I am actually someone who has depth and substance.

EDIT: *listens to Over and Over by 3DG to try and get head on straight* :p
^very true. so, if i were to meet one, i would do my best to get over my star-struckness very quickly, so I could seem like I am actually interested in them as a human being. :) and that I am actually someone who has depth and substance.

I would just start talking to them and be like: and what's your name? Ben Barnes? Oh that's right your in Prince Caspian, that was a good movie. So Ben what are your interest. LOL :p
I think being star struck takes time to get over, at least for me it did! You gotta kinda meet a few celebs before your finally like "ugh, not another celeb!" I meet a lot, so they start to annoy me now, especially the little Disney and Nickalodeon stars!
^i'm sure it does! i haven't met very many yet, so... :eek: i ... is... starstruck. :D

i think ITW is lurking. heehee. she's been viewing this thread for several mins now, without posting anything. lurking! lol. :p
Sorry guys I got to go. I'll be on later!

I know it's not the end of the world. But when I get in trouble (even though this wasn't trouble) you only have to tell me once. So sorry . . . again!

What show is that Lady of the Lions Mane?

I know what you mean Mrs. Pevensie. I think at the afterparty I was a little star struck in that the people we'd talked about were all there in one place right in front of me...slightly surreal...but they're all just normal people. Quite nice ones actually.

EDIT: You're fine Pirate Queen. Besides, not really lurking so much as multitasking. Editing my photobucket pics actually, having a LionCon admin chat open, and responding to email.
okay, so you're not really lurking, lol. :D (EDIT: and plz call me Rachel) :)

it's not a show, a band. sorry, i should have clarified. it's Three Days Grace. :D

(and surreal is a good word for that. like when I met Switchfoot and gave them the cookies I baked them. i was rather in a daze.) :rolleyes:
What show is that Lady of the Lions Mane?

I know what you mean Mrs. Pevensie. I think at the afterparty I was a little star struck in that the people we'd talked about were all there in one place right in front of me...slightly surreal...but they're all just normal people. Quite nice ones actually.

EDIT: You're fine Pirate Queen. Besides, not really lurking so much as multitasking. Editing my photobucket pics actually, having a LionCon admin chat open, and responding to email.

Oh, I'm sure they are nice! Most all the celebs I've met have been really nice if not even going out of their way to be nice! um... hm. have you heard "Pain" or "Never Too Late" ? That's them. :D

I guess that's the first place to start, have you heard their music. (and I only brought them up b/c I was listening to them as I posted that. now I'm listening to Athlete. :) )

I identify with a lot of their songs' lyrics. The 2 aforementioned being some. :)